You are to write a double-spaced, one-page typed visual analysis of one work of art in the category of Medieval/Gothic. The piece of art you will do an analysis on is titled Chalice. The link to the art is below. You need to be clear about your works category and its subject matter. You need to analyze the artworks subject matter and style in terms of its category (Medieval/Gothic). In what ways...
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Mapping Urban Experiences

It says 4 pages but I want you to spare 3.5 pages for this assignment and order (California Reflection Paper). They are completely different assignment but I want equal amount for both assignment.Also I've uploaded the feedback of the last analytical paper which you wrote for me.
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Please refer to instructions

China in Western Africa is a generally good area to explore. However, what you will have to do is connect this topic to the literature we are discussing in class, especially from Sections 2 and 3.  The final paper is not meant to be a research paper - rather it is another opportunity for you to use the concepts from class to understand the contemporary world in new and interesting...
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I need 4 pages on the debate that opposes slavery using primary sources as sources. Read and analyze the primary sources related to the debate over slavery that animated the country from the eighteenth century to the Civil War. Summarize the sources and state their arguments.
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8.1, Newark General Hospital, perform variance analyses using the static and flex budgets and actual results. More specifically, compute and interpret profit, revenue, cost, volume and price, and management variances. Equally important, explain how the variances relate to one another.9.1 through 9.6,  time value of money, demonstrate the ability to compute the present value (PV) and future...
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Stroop Research Project: Discussion Section Rough Draft

Topic Name:---  Stroop Research Project: Discussion Section Rough DraftInstructions:---Your discussion section will serve as a bookend to your research paper. First, you will pick up where you left off in the results section, directly stating whether your hypothesis was supported or not. From there, you'll come full circle, connect back to previously reviewed research, indicating whether our...
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Henrietta Lacks

I need at least five sources on its own separate page, so the total of pages should be six. The goal of the paper is to look into why Henrietta Lacks has been lost in history; unheralded. You could talk about everything she has done to shape the medical field, along with her contribution. But most of the research paper should not focus on that, but rather on how her sacrifice and work has been...
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discussion response

You must reply to at least two colleagues in a manner that extends the discussion. A simple "I agree/disagree" will not be accepted. respond in a manner that further extends the 1. Question 3: Open topic. Please choose a topic that interests you and is related to the course materials. If this topic is from a recent news, please make sure to share the link in your post. This...
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Equity in Action & Mental Health for Educators

Annotated Bibliography Assignment InstructionsAn annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents; a summary/evaluation of reference sources.  Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the...
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