
Write a formal deductive essay, 1-2 pages long, based on the subject of critical thinking, logic, and rhetoric. Topic: Has the third party in American national politics been historically unsuccessful in elections? If so, why? If not, why not? Include a title page and reference page, but exclude table of contents. Page count does not include either the title page or the reference page. Use at...
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Write a suitable title

1/2 page each for the introduction and 9 blocks plus a conclusion.1. Choose a company. (your choice)2. Fill in the building model canvas for your company3. Explain all nine building blocks in your own words and demonstrate at least one element in each block.4. Make sure the blocks are under headings so there's no confusion.Example:Customer SegmentsCustomer Segments are the people an organization...
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Consumer Health

Final Project Paper will be a Annotated WebliographyPrepare an annotated webliography listing 3 websites for each of your Top 5 Consumer Health issues.From your textbook readings, the other readings in the Readings Folders of each module, or your own research. list what you determine to be the TOP 5 Consumer Health issues. Then under each of the TOP 5 Consumer Health Issues, list 3 websites with...
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mental health

For the Blog assignment, you will create a Blog using A 'How-To' for Blogger is available here. Using the NIMH list below, choose one topic from each category and give a 500-word MINIMUM post providing detailed information about a mental health disorder, treatment or therapy, and a population. For example, you may choose one of your entries to cover depression, available medications,...
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Environmental Scan of Mcdonalds

Write an academic paper depicting your Environmental Scanning analysis that includes the following:1.    An introduction with a detailed description of the organization, what they do? product/service? etc.2.    Create a SWOTT Analysis Diagram that includes Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats and Trends.Provide at least 5 topics for each category. Then, select at...
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Freedom Summer

Americans have long been proud of their democratic political traditions, yet as we have seen this semester, that democracy has always been imperfect.  Historically, not everybody has been allowed equal access to the voting booth.  During the 1960s, voting rights became a central focus of the civil rights movement. For this assignment, watch the film Freedom Summer and in your paper...
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simulation study

Hi there. I have to do to a FINANCIAL ANALSYIS on a simulation in a platform that I can give you access to if accepted. You will be writing down some calculations and the data will be provided.  i will show you where and how to find and calculate the data and i have some examples I can show you in the attachments.  I WILL BE DOING PERIOD 3&6. The information i provided in the...
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International Law Question

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE THANKSThis do not need to be well-wording. answer the question is the most important.PROBLEM QUESTION Airedale and Beagle are two neighbouring States. Ronald Drump is a prominent businessman living in Airedale; he is the Chief Executive Officer and owns 75% of the shares in a gold mining company, Chihuahua Gold Ltd (CGL), which is incorporated in...
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Final papers should be between 1250-1500 words, due at the end of Week 8, 12 point font, double-spaced, and formatted in the MLA or APA Style. The case study/topic should be addressed with the environmental ethic of one of our weekly, primary authors. This list includes Holmes Rolston, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, Arne Naess, Peter Singer and Paul Taylor. See the Course Outline in our Syllabus...
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