
This assignment is connected to The Innovator's DNA book. Focus on practicing select innovative discovery skills identified within the book.Identify at least five observations (try using other senses in addition towhat you see) of a current product or service that you wish was improved or a frustrating situation that you wish had a solution which has not been created yet.MY TOPIC: How to lower...
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Rather than try to convince or persuade an audience of the rightness or wrongness of an idea or concept, Rogerian argument emphasizes the common ground between two (or more sides) of an issue and strives for compromise and solution.  This argumentative strategy requires that the author be empathetic, and patient, as he/she attempts to establish a workable and acceptable solution to issues...
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women studies; critical paper

You are required to write a 10-12 page paper on a topic of interest, related to the class material and to critically examine it using gender studies or feminist analyses. You are welcome to use any topic of interest that we have discussed (or not) in class, as long as it takes on a feminist lens to look at it. I will provide a list with some possible topics towards the end of the term.The essay...
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mental health

Guidelines for the Mental Health Paper: Your second paper will be on a mental health disorder such as Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar Disorder, Personality Disorder, or PTSD. (NOTE: These are not the only disorders.  Please do some research and locate others that might interest you).  If you are struggling to choose a topic, please contact me as soon as possible and we will discuss...
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EC 391 Newspaper articles on Supply Chains, Reshoring, Self Sufficiency, National Security

EC 391 Newspaper articles on Supply Chains, Reshoring, Self Sufficiency, National are 2 articles from the New York Times, the 1st by Neil Irwin from last April, the 2nd by Eduardo Porter from September.  Please read them and answer the following questions. 1.Are there critical products that countries should make at home and not rely on imports?  Food?  Oil?  Drugs, medical...
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Answer Question

You do not need to cite any sources.Each answer should be at least 200 words, but the most important thing is that your clear message comes across. answer the following:1.    Explain how colonialism has affected many countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. What are the lingering effects of colonialism, and does it have any implications for tourism? 2.    Explain how the...
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5.6 Credibility, Dependability and Transferability

This section should be at least three paragraphs. (Only write 3 paragraphs) I attached a copy of my research paper (Please read so you will understand what my research is about) I attached a copy of an example paper (Please use as a guide to complete this section)Please let me know it you have any questions or need additional information to complete this assignment. You must have at least 10--15...
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4050 dq11

HERE IS THE MAIN POST It is likely that you will encounter a patient that experiences chronic fatigue. After reading your textbook and the Luyten and Van Houdenhove (2013) article, how might you approach treating such a patient? How would you build a strong working alliance? What interventions would you include?ReplyHERE IS ROS RESPOND TO THE MAIN POST      Functional somatic...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

How does the film Sansh the Bailiff explore issues of individual moral integrity? In what ways is the film an accurate reflection of the Heian period and, in other ways, quite modern?Please watch the film and use it as a reference. Please also include more analysis and less summary of the examples you chose.
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