The effectiveness of DASH diet for lowering blood pressure and delaying the progression of CKD

Background: State the general purpose of the review, how the topic was selected, and why it needs to be explored further. Justify the narrative review with background information about the research field.Consider what is already known about the topic and what is unknown.  State the specific aims/objectives of your narrative review and what you want to accomplishCompare and contrast: consider...
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Case Study

Your group will analyze the case "A Martini for Rossi" using the RESOLVEDD strategy from Ethics on the Job. You can see a sample analysis in the book related to the Gatsby case; the case is in chapter 1 and the analysis is in chapter 3. You will also find the checklist in chapter 3 helpful. Review chapter 2, so you are able to be specific regarding the rights and principles involved.It is common...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Watch the two (2) videos and reflect on how the Sixth and Eighth Amendment protections were or can be preserved in each of the videos.Video 1:CJ in Practice: Judge Sentencing GuidelinesVideo 2: Criminal Justice in Practice (scenario) Jury SelectionThen assess the impact that understanding and complying with the Sixth and Eighth Amendments will have on your future career and your ability to do...
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“There Will Come Soft Rains”

Plenty of textual evidence needed (i. e. quotations), in your argument, but I also want to see plenty of original thought. Remember, for each sentence of evidence you use, you must have two to three sentences of commentary (The Rhetorical Ratio). The paper will be written in MLA style.The Introduction (6 to 8 Sentences) Hook, Smack, Grabber (The Attention Getter.)SalutationsSub-topics (In this...
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Excessive Bail

The Eighth Amendment of our U.S. Constitution states: Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.  The following website includes two dueling essays regarding the application of the Eighth Amendments Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause, the contemporary perspective essay by Bryan A. Stevenson and the original-meaning essay...
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watch both the 10th grade English language arts/social studies and kindergarten mathematics and write 2 separate 2 page RESPONSES according to the questions provided

write 2 separate 2 page RESPONSES according to the questions provided for each video and connect it to the article attached there's also the vocabulary tiers article to help guide your academic language question for the videos: After watching this English Language Arts/Social Studies class - write a 1.5  page response in which you address the following:    In the lesson...
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Discussion 1:Considering todays forces, trends, and issues that influence curriculum development and the changing demands in healthcare delivery, discuss how you think the nursing curricula needs to change in order to prepare nurse graduates for their future role as practicing nurses. Cite two current references (published within the last five years) to support your discussion.Discussion...
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Environmental pollution and Climate change

  1.Research Environmental pollution and Climate change issue, and synthesize this research with your own ideas and analysis in order to convince your reader to change behavior or adopt a course of action.   2.For this essay, you must use at least five sources, of which at least two must be scholarly, and you will need to reference them using MLA style.  3.Format: double-spaced,...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this assignment, you will view the Dr. Jolly scenario and then submit a one- to two-page paper that follows APA Style guidelines. At a minimum, address the following questions in your paper submission: What ethical issues do you see in the Dr. Jolly/Mr. Dawson situation? If Dr. Jolly were practicing at Anywhere Medical Clinic, discuss the decision-making approach you could use to advise Dr....
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