Current Issues in African American Communities

Find two news stories that highlight two separate issues African American experience today. In your discussion, please make sure you are detailed by clearly identifying each issue. How does your story highlight an issue that African Americans experience? Explain why you think this is an issue that African Americans experience.  sources need to be credible - google scholar  3
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Racial Residential Segregation

In thinking about racial residential segregation, research and discuss three factors for racial residential segregation. Please make sure to discuss your answers in detail. What is the factor? How does the factor contribute to racial residential segregation? Describe one remedy you would suggest to eliminate racial residential segregation? Why do you support this remedy?use 3 sources that are...
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Q 1Why should firms formulate and implement strategies from an environmental perspective?75 words in lengthQ 2How can firms ensure that their code of business ethics is read, understood, believed, remembered, and acted on rather than ignored?75 words in length.Q 3If you owned a small business, would you develop a code of business conduct? If yes, what variables would you include? If not, how...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Structure each summary according to the above subheadings. Font should be Times New Roman 12 point, as used on this page. Use only jagged right-margin justification. Write in full sentences no bulleted statements. The quality and succinctness of writing will be taken into account for scoring. Each summary should be 1 to 1-1/2 single-spaced pages, with double spacing between sections.
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Peer Analysis

Analyze peer posts and provide a response with a new academic peer reviewed article. This is the feedback instructor provided so please adhere to their feedback as well:  The discussion board should be a "conversation" between you and your colleagues.  I know you are sticking to third-person voice, but for the discussion board only, its OK to create a friendlier tone for this...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write about the death penalty . below are arguments FOR and AGAINST  the death penalty as well as their OBJECTIONS. THE DEATH PENALTY:agreeing for death penalty :A. Present what you see as the strongest argument FOR of the death penalty " Argument #1: for Protection of society: dead murderers cant kill again. Objection #1 :there are less drastic means to this end e.g. life imprisonment...
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Writers choice

In Unit III, you have learned about different criminal justice theories, one of which is transnational crime. For this assignment, examine how transnational crime affects the global communitys economic, social, or legal qualities and important issues that arise in todays news for this crime.Select one type of transnational crime from the list below:illegal immigration,human trafficking,drug...
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Firstly, read some info on Zooniverse and watch all the YouTube videos before doing the work. Write some connections between and these three YouTube links.1st link: link: link: a paragraph that connects those links (at least 260 words or more).Please take the time given to be used as best as possible to understand each material (Zooniverse and YouTube videos).
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Critical Book Review – The End of Wall Street

The End of Wall Street by John Roger LowensteinThe purpose of the book review is to integrate current business/finance issues into the classroom. The book addresses modern problems and/or issues confronting both corporations and individuals.The book review should address the ideas and lessons outlined during class and how it relates to the current economic conditions. In addition, you should...
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Windows and Linux Integration

Windows and Linux IntegrationBased upon what you have learned thus far, in 500-750  words:Explain how Windows and Linux can work together in diverse environments.Recommend a configuration for your corporation that best leverages the features of each operating system. Explain your recommendation.The corporate environment consists of 2 locations with 5 Pcs at each location.  Please see...
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