
This will be modeled after the true academic peer review system (as this is our research course). Substantial letters of 300 words, to each of your partners, will be the expectation here, as will the expectation to focus on higher order concerns of content, organization, analytical depth, evidence use, and style, over and above editing one anothers papers. I will grade you on the letters you...
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Art History

To select your work of art, visit their website: Once on their website, you must choose the following for your project: Ancient Egyptian Art (found under Egyptian Highlights)A typical project will spend the first 5 slides (or more) describing both the content and the form of the art work in detail using at least 5 terms learned in class (ie. sculpture in the round, complementary colors,...
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Urban Modelling

Assignment 2Urban ModellingWithin this subject, we have learned (or will learn) several urban models that can beused to investigate different urban issues (e.g., travel demand and land use patterns).These models include transport models (e.g., activity-based travel demand model), landuse models, land use and transport interaction (LUTI) models, and agent-based urbanmodels (e.g., agent-based...
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continue the paperThe final project for this class will be an applied project that requires research and demonstration of effective virtual communication skills. This Final is worth 100 points (75 points for the project and 25 points for related Reflection #5). You may work independently or in pairs. Students who choose to work in pairs must inform the professor of their pairing by Nov. 1, 2020....
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English comp 2 Creating Keywords and writing notes

Writing notes assignment For this assignment, you will use a guided prompt to write notes that will help you better understand how to approach the persuasive essay. I will attach the requirements in the rubric for the assignment.To double check that your chosen issue will work for the persuasive essay project, ask yourself if it meets these three requirements1. Does the issue have two clear and...
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Data Analytics

Use the attached CSV data file and R-programming language to complete the projectProject goal:  You are an analyst at Your boss has asked you to identify whether discounted products are correlated with certain combinations of age groups and genders. Such knowledge could guide targeted discount campaigns and coupon campaigns. To answer this question, you will need:Identify a dependent...
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Exploratory Essay and Research Proposal

Choose a topic you are genuinely interested in learning more about. Think of questions you want to be answered. List your initial research question(s).Write out your process exactly, and step-by-step. (Yes, youll say: The first thing I did to find information was to)Explain what you learned from each source you consulted and how the information connects to your research question.Your initial...
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Business Ethics

Case Study: Ethical Leadership at StarbucksYou may remember the 2018 incident when two black men who were waiting to meet someone at a Philadelphia Starbucks were asked to leave because they had not purchased anything. They were subsequently arrested. Video of the incident went viral and the fallout was swift. Read the article The CEO of Starbucks and the Practice of Ethical Leadership and then...
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Source Analysis – Design Thinking

Write a "Source Analysis" paper of the attached 25 sources. you will be explaining the distribution of type of source (article, text, dissertation, website, government reports etc); primary versus secondary sources; scholarly versus trade sources; focus of the source (empirical, theoretical discussion, or instructional/opinion). Generally describes your set of sources considering the following...
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English Literature

Essay question:The aim of politeness was to reach an accommodation with the complexities of modern life and to replace political zeal and religious bigotry with mutual tolerance and understanding. The means of achieving this was a manner of conversing and dealing with people which, by teaching one to regulate ones passions and to cultivate good taste, would enable a person to realise what was in...
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