
continue the paperThe final project for this class will be an applied project that requires research and demonstration of effective virtual communication skills. This Final is worth 100 points (75 points for the project and 25 points for related Reflection #5).You may work independently or in pairs. Students who choose to work in pairs must inform the professor of their pairing by Nov. 1, 2020....
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Format:  essayOpening statement: Using the scenario below and the guidelines in chapter 9 of the CP&P text, write an opening statement that you, the Bank's Senior Manager of HR, will draft for the Assistant General Counsel's consideration for delivery in the hearing.You believe that telling a story is the most compelling method of persuading an...
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1918 Spanish Flu affected California

Term Paper Assignment - Geography 330 (F19)AssignmentYou are to write a 5-7 page (typed, double-spaced) research-based paper about any topic of relevance to the course.  Maps, diagrams, etc. are welcome in addition to the five pages of text.Approximate point weighting for final draft:Your final draft grade will be determined by how well you do the following:a. Present a well-structured...
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artwork, architecture or design you choose should be something you would see in a major gallery/museum or Art history text. They can be any medium from any time period but should be related in some way (formal qualities, concept, content, etc). You should collect all the data that you can, regarding these two works such as title, date, medium, artist, etcUse the essay writing workshop listed in...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a discussion. Please review proper netiquette and use respectful discourse throughout the discussion.  You must post twice.  The first post should be completed by Thursday with the second post completed by Sunday.POST #1:Respond to the following questions with proper netiquette. Responses should be original thought only. Outside sources are not expected nor required. However, if...
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World Leader Letter

Discipline: Cultural Anthropology You will write a letter, to the world leader of your choice. The letter should be about potential solutions to global environmental challenges.Please include the following:Describe political, economic, and cultural factors you see as prohibiting world leaders from agreeing on solutions to global environmental challenges.You will need to support your points with...
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Why “” fail was a dot-com enterprise headquartered in San Francisco that sold pet supplies to retail customers. It began operations in November 1998 and liquidated in November 2000. A high-profile marketing campaign gave it a widely recognized public presence.Although sales rose dramatically due to the attention, the company lost money on most of its sales through mismanagement. Its high public...
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For this individual assignment, you will be asked to write a 3-4 page, single spaced business proposal (any citations should be included in an Appendix at the back and are not included in the 3-4 page requirement).  An article that provides an overview of a typical business proposal along with details on each section can be found at:  (Links to an external site.).  You will find...
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Incident Response Process

Research a publicized security incident, such as one of the recent Sony incidents, and apply it to each step in the IR process. Some of this data may be available through research, but if not, outline how you would respond and what you think some of the outcomes may have been.The SANS Incident Response Process prepares industry professionals for the unfortunate day that a security incident...
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Social welfare Analysis on the Social security policy

Identify a social welfare policy that is currently active in the United States. You must NOT pick a policy that was enacted before 1900. You will need to provide 1. 1.Historical background of the policy 2.Problems that Necessitate the policy 3.A description of the policy 4.A policy Analysis Double spaced pages . Use 1 inch margins for entire paper in (Times New Romans) and should be 12pt in size...
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