M4 Video Analysis

Review and analyze the video on e-marketing, and provide a summary and critique that demonstrates your understanding of sports marketing. Sports marketing in a digital age (58:48)42 Analytics. (2013, May 3). SSAC13: eMarketing: Sports marketing in a digital age . YouTube.Video: a summary and analysis of the video. The analysis should include a synopsis of and a reflection on the video and...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

After reading "A & P," select one of the following for research analysis of the story. Remember that you must use one of the sources I provide and 3-5 other scholarly, secondary sources.1.  What do Sammy's actions reveal about his attitude toward women?  Using sources, explain in what respects his attitude was typical of the time period in which the story is set.2.  Critics...
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Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning

Three tasks on formative assessment and active learning pedagogiesAttached you find a document that includes four formative assessment strategies, 3 instructional strategies based on active learning pedagogy, and one case representing Teacher Ashraf. Task 1: Select one of four formative assessment strategies and discuss why you think it will be an effective strategy in terms of giving the teacher...
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Reading the Tea Leaves at Tea and More: Resolving Complex Supply Chain Issues1

OUTLINE FOR CASE ANALYSISTitle Page (APA formatted)Case Name:I. Major Facts(State here the major facts as you see them. Make statements clear and concise for your own understanding as well as for the understanding of the other students and the instructor.)II. Major Problem(State here the major problem as you see it. Emphasize the present major problem. You may wish to phrase your statement in the...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a case analysis about a company's annual report, with the documents attached, do the followings:- Write a brief introduction (maximum 150 words)- Describe the background of the company its business, size, growth, and marketshare, etc. (250 words) (You can find everything in attached documents)- Offer a summary/conclusion (100 words) (other documents will be provided to you later in order...
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waiting lines

Many businesses utilize waiting lines to manage customer service. For example, banks, amusement parks, supermarket checkouts, fast food restaurants, call centers, check-in counters at airports, emergency departments of hospitals, and so many more. In the course of your week, consider an experience you had that led to a temporary demand for service that exceeded capacity, for example, variation in...
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Servant leadership

Servant leadership is a term that often, as stated by Northouse, seems contradictory and challenges our traditional beliefs about leadership (2019, p. 227). The literal definition of a leader is to point the direction for others to follow, and for a servant to follow those they serve.That said, servant leadership has become a key philosophy within leadership. In this essay, assess how a leader...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

It is said that "culture eats strategy." Basically, it reminds us that culture is a very important guide for how humans think and feel and behave.  Please read the 3 articles in our Readings and Media link. Use additional resources if you wish, and cite your sources. Consider the importance of organizational culture, and how a strong culture can have certain advantages and risks.What is...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Students are to highlight two or three points from each of the books listed below  for discussion. Single space.1.    Identify and write a sentence or paragraph in the reading that made you stumble or caused a moment of aha. Describe why the particular sentence stuck out or caused a response in you. (Include the page number where the sentence is found)The Word Made Plain by...
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