The History and Current use of Involuntary Restraints on Psychiatric Patients

"You will find 12 articles on your chosen topic; at least four of these articles must be journal articles (you can get online help from an HCC librarian in finding resources). Please discuss the topic with your teacher before you start. One of your sources must be your Comer textbook. One book may be used in place of six articles. You then will complete an essay of 2,500 words, summarizing the...
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MN585 W1-Topic: Immunization for Community-Acquired Pneumonia

Topic: Immunization for Community-Acquired PneumoniaCommunity-acquired pneumonia affects more than adults age 65 and older every year. There are two vaccines that help prevent pneumococcal disease:PCV13 (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)PPSV23 (pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine)Using the Centers for Disease Control as your guide, please discuss:-The incidence of pneumococcal disease in the United...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

A. Read chapter 13 The Job Search, Resumes, and Cover Letters. Conduct a job search using any job search website, such as, Linked In,, etc. Provide a copy of a job listing you'd be interested in applying for. Then write a draft of a resume you would create to apply to that job (see example resumes in chapter 13).Textbook: watch the following video: 250 words or more about...
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Biblical Principles and Activities of Christian Leaders

The purpose of these assignments is to encourage you to evaluate current ethical issues and decisions affecting the field of education; thus, the news articles that you choose must address either a situation in which Biblical and ethical principles were breached or a situation in which Biblical and/or ethical principles were highlighted by the media. Your essays must be critical reviews of the...
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Foundations of Leadership

The purpose of these assignments is to encourage you to evaluate current ethical issues and decisions affecting the field of education; thus, the news articles that you choose must address either a situation in which Biblical and ethical principles were breached or a situation in which Biblical and/or ethical principles were highlighted by the media. Your essays must be critical reviews of the...
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Peek Vision project

1. Explain how Dr. Bastawrous has utilized either Six-Sigma or Redesign techniques in his project.Question 2. From a process standpoint, do you see some aspects of this new process that could prove to be bottlenecks (e.g. training of people to use smartphones correctly)?  Explain.Answer A:Question 1.Explain how Dr. Bastawrous has utilized either Six-Sigma or Redesign techniques in his...
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2 Discussion topic

There are two topics==========================Discussion 7: The WorkplaceOK, we talked about good bosses last week. Let's talk about other factors that create a good workplace.I'm especially curious if it's ever enough just to make lots of money--I'm assuming a couple of you have had a chance to make what you considered lots of money. If you haven't, is your course of study right now aimed mostly...
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EC368 East Asian Econimics

Please answer TWO of the following questions. Each responseshould be roughly 600-800 words. Please quote and cite all written work. You do not need to consult any texts beyond the assigned readings, but you should let me know what sources you used.1. Discuss development of the Taiwanese IT hardware industry, includingthe role of fabless firms and pure-play foundries. You should address theroles...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Which position or group of stakeholders has the most power in your organization or one with which you are familiar? Is their power obtained through formal positions, or does the culture of the organization lead to some people or groups having more power than others? How can the distribution of power be used to motivate employees? How can the organizational structure of a company impact the...
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Ethical Analysis

ETHICAL ANALYSIS PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSStarting on Monday of Module 2: Week 2, begin making notes of the following:1.    Specific situations at your job in which decision-making was or was not based on ethical principles,2.    Your participation in or response to the situation,3.    Whether or not you think the situation was handled correctly,...
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