Approval of outline of brief paper/statistical exercise

Guidance on your brief paper/statistical exerciseOne of the goals of this course is for you to become familiar with how to use publicly available data to check facts and satisfy your curiosity about the Middle East.  The most general database in which you can look for data is World Development Indicators(, but there are lots of other more...
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Struggle for power: Monarchy, The Church, The People

Using chapters 10-16, analyze the struggle for power between the Monarchies of Europe, the Church, and the general populace.  In your analysis answer the following guiding questions:Define what it means for a group of people in society to have power.Each group had power- what was the source?How did the arts highlight the differences between each group?  How did the arts highlight the...
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Emergency Management

There are many sources of funding for individual households and larger private entities for disaster preparedness. Nationwide Insurance stated that 68% of small businesses do not have an adequate disaster preparedness plan that would help them sustain their business if a disaster did occur.  This lack of planning capacity concurrently increases their exposure to disasters and their...
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Analysis on the Effects of Population Growth

OverviewImagine you have been hired as a consultant for the United Nations. You have been asked to write an analysis on how global population growth has caused the following problem and how it affects a developing country of your choosing:A growing global population that consumes natural resources is partially to blame for the release of greenhouse gases since human consumption patterns lead to...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Explore Bradys use of the lines of argumentwhere does she use argumentsfrom the heart, from character, from values, from facts and reason? Which usesseem the most effective? Which seem less effective? Why?2. Bradys essay uses stylish language to help make her point.  Find examples of her use of figurative language. How do they help her argument?3. What assumptions does Brady make about...
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Small Business With the Navy

Imagine that you are the owner of a small floor refinishing business (John Nardella Inc.) that provides a specialty coating product for ceramic tile and marble floors. There is no other local flooring business that provides this service. Having recently received a patent on your product, you are ready to expand your business by competing for Navy contracts at the local base, which is located a...
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Is Poverty an Economic Problem? Watch the video Acton Institute- How not to help the poor- Welfare (new window) (5:49).This is the link: How do transfer payments to low income households affect the incentive (a) to have a child at an early age, (b) to drop out of high schools, and (c) the abandonment of children by fathers?  (2) How do transfer payments impact the incentives of individuals...
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food bank nonprofit organization

THIS is where you post your 1000 word (yes, I'll count them) comments on whatever volunteer organization, non-profit,social assistance program that you choose. Something you've been involved in, something that you'd like to see, it's upto you. If done logically and with respect, you may even present a critical examination of an effort that you think couldbe improved. Proper grammar, punctuation,...
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Is the earnings difference between men and women the result of employment discrimination?Watch the video AEI Gender Wage Gap (new window) (3:15)This is the link: the employment choices differ between men and women?  If so, why?  How do the following productivity-related factors differ between men and women: (i) continuous employment experience, (ii) education, (iii) physical...
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