Art history and trends

Hello Hope you are doing well , I have an essay about Surrealism art movements and I have to find a write about a connection between 2 art work and the fashion trends I have worked on . I have all of my notes ready with shows my concept . I have also attached a sample of essay . I am copying the part bellow from my course brief : "Students will write a 1.500 word Essay (Coursework 1) that is...
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World music cultures

In a brief essay (no less than 500 words), respond to the following questions below, using your text as a main source I would encourage you to write one paragraph for each question.1. Discuss how attitudes toward traditionality and modernization affect music differently in China, Japan, and Korea.2. Discuss East Asian attitudes toward professional musicians and explain why amateur music making...
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World music cultures

In a brief essay (no less than 500 words), respond to the following questions below, using your text as a main source I would encourage you to write one paragraph for each question.1. Discuss how attitudes toward traditionality and modernization affect music differently in China, Japan, and Korea.2. Discuss East Asian attitudes toward professional musicians and explain why amateur music making...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hello Hope you are doing well , I have an essay about Surrealism art movements and I have to find a write about a connection between 2 art work and the fashion trends I have worked on . I have all of my notes ready with shows my concept . I have also attached a sample of essay . I am copying the part bellow from my course brief : "Students will write a 1.500 word Essay (Coursework 1) that is...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

In groups of 4, you will write a term paper relating how crime and delinquency is portrayed in the media.  You will pick one crime drama that is currently on television, or has a season available to rent.  You will have to watch a minimum of 2 hours each of that show and critically examine how crime, criminals, and the criminal justice system are depicted in the show.  You must...
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EMBOK analysis

See the attachmentEvent: "CocaCola will be my client, I would like to design a small simple CocaCola theme amusement park with a capability of 1,200 people. This will be a brand event which will show the company's culture and also products. The purpose of this event is to increase brand awareness and to take more picture content resources.  "
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Assignment: Because he has difficulty falling asleep at night, Professor Hogan doesn't go to bed until very late. Before he retires, he tries to wear himself out by running around the block several times. Then he treats himself to a beer and perhaps a pizza while preparing his lecture for the next day's early morning classes. What specific advice would you give the professor to help him fall...
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Influence Of Artificial Intelligence on Human Resources Jobs

Data collection.    It should be include  all of . - Abstract - Introduction: - General statement (1-2 paragraphs) - Explain research problem (1 paragraph) - The Debate If there is one (1-2 Paragraphs) - Whats you are going to study in this paper (In this study I will ) (1-2 Paragraphs) - The study sections or parts (This study divided to sections) (1 Paragraph) - ...
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Determine Diversifying and Networking Opportunities

After reviewing the assigned readings (two articles, one chapter, and selection of three peer-reviewed journal articles), complete a summary about the networking opportunities presented in the readings, your ideas for networking, and how the benefits to your practice. For this weeks assignment, you will also begin your exploration of networking opportunities through social media and websites...
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Culture and Conflict

For your first assignment, please read the following essay--copy and paste the link provided-- and answer the questions that follow in a 500-word Summarize the writer's position and provide a quote that you think presents the writer's position. 2) Think of TWO cultural conflicts that you see around you and give two reasons--one for each-- that help us understand why the conflict exists.  For...
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