Any topic (writer’s choice)

In this course, we will be covering several frameworks. To help you gain a better understanding of each, we'll explore how they work when applied to Imperfect Foods. Below is the company (Links to an external site.)For this assignment, you will apply both the strategy diamond and 5-forces framework to Imperfect Foods. The goal is to understand the company strategy, and factors that could impact...
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Introduction+literature review

Research Question:Why the Balanced Scorecard Fails in Chinese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises(SMEs)Requirement:1.The paper I need you to write only involves an introduction and literature review, which is only a part of the complete research paper. I am not asking you to write a complete research paper, so please do not include the specific research and analysis process on the company. A...
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Accounting ethics

Define "Big Bath Accounting". Find an actual case of Big Bath Accounting committed by a public company in recent years. You may refer to business newspapers or magazines. What is the SEC's position on this? Define "Side Agreement". Find an actual case of Side Agreement committed by a public company in recent years. You may refer to business newspapers or magazines. What is the SEC's position on...
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A slow walk of trees

Morrison writes that when she was a child, occasionally a white friend... made a small crack in her distrust of whites. Who in your life has made a crack in your generalizations about an issue, about other people, or about yourself? Explain. Be sure to note how you felt prior to the crack, compared to how your outlook afterward.
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Healthcare Management

In 150 words please respond to the below question using at least 1 APA citation and the associated reference.  Please make sure that the questions are answered completely and clearly.The Healthcare Provider Communication Assessment (HPCA) was developed by Belasen & Frank (2010b) to gauge the effectiveness of the training program as well as to capture patients perceptions of the quality...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

InstructionsCase studies are an important learning strategy in business classes because they provide an opportunity for you to critically analyze events that have taken place in real-life businesses. This develops your critical thinking and research skills as you research the competition and industry in which your business resides with an end goal of formulating a recommendation for the...
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Anorexia Nervosa

Instructions on this assignment will be attached so you know everything you must do. My topic is anorexia and i will provide you a video that you can use for information on this assignment along with a youtube video as well and you can also use outside sources as well but may not be needed. The youtube link url is you can copy and paste this into the browser.
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problem related to obesity

You will write an idea paper that addresses one obesity issue. You need to identify what this issue is, why this issue is significant, and what are the current strategy to address this issue, and what are the pitfalls of the current strategy.Writing suggestions and some reading materials has been attached, please feel free to use. thank you!
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

pick one of the following:LonelinessQuality of LifeHappiness1.Define and conceptualize your measure2.Decide upon a research question within the topic3.Decide on your sample frame and number4.Design a MINIMUM of 5 questions (with scale and responses)5.Give a max. 250 word statement of expected results,  supported by peer reviewed evidence
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

InstructionsFor this assignment, read the case study, Heublein: Planning a Project Management and Control System starting on page 222 of your textbook. Once you have read and reviewed the case scenario, address the components listed below with thorough explanations and well-supported rationale.Describe the level of risk-taking and the efforts to mitigate these risks within the project planning...
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