Pathophysiology/ Nursing

Provide the background and history for a patient. Include the history of present illness (what brought them to the hospital), past medical history, relevant labs, diagnostic tests and vital signs. (30 points) CHOOSE DIAGNOSIS 1. HYPERTENSION 2. HYPERLIPIDEMIAWhat is the pathophysiology of each of the disease processes? (20 points)Discuss a minimum of five risk factors related to the disease...
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Although targeting selected market segments for advertising and marketing messages would seem to be a sound strategy for any company, there can be difficulties. Some companies have been accused of using segmentation approaches that discriminate against ce

Although targeting selected market segments for advertising and marketing messages would seem to be a sound strategy for any company, there can be difficulties. Some companies have been accused of using segmentation approaches that discriminate against certain groups within society. Complaints have been raised about potential discrimination based on race, culture, age, gender, and sexual...
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biological psychology

Sheep Brain Dissection: Systems Identification ActivitySpecific aims The focus of this activity will be for you to work with your group to identify and locate structures in the sheep brain related to specific neural systems.  This process will help you learn, 1)  the anatomical location of specific structures, 2) the connections between related structures, and 3) how this organization...
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Romantic Literature

Select one of the terms discussed in the Romantic Literature lesson (such as nature, imagination, the sublime, revolution, etc.).  Provide a definition of the term in your own words (you may use quotes and citations as needed), and identify one poem from the reading that exemplifies the term. Explain why you think this poem is a good example.A good entry is at least 250 words long. Make sure...
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make a movie

For this assignment, I want you to put on your creative thinking hat. Imagine that your are a movie producer or a screenwriter. A major Hollywood studio (or a streaming service like Netflix/Hulu/Amazon Prime) has approached you and given you the green light to write and produce either a historical movie or a historical television series. This isn't going to be a documentary, but rather a movie or...
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Analytical Reflection Focusing on a Theme

Write a 2-3 page analytic reflection that discusses and critiques key themes from the Testimony - art and practice module.An analytic reflection should have the following elements:A clear analytic argument -  Clearly identify the key overall theme or critique that you will discuss.Citation of evidence from the materials in the modules - Provide evidence, examples or details from all the...
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Classroom Communication

Classroom Communication PlanHow you communicate with your students and their parents is essential for strong classroom management. Your word choice, tone of voice, body language, and much more impacts how students feel about you.  These also impact how parents will view you. How do you plan to create and maintain positive communication with your students?  With their parents?You will...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Select a sample of social media content (from Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, or any other social media platform with which you are familiar and that is substantially/primarily text rather than images) that consists of at least 10 posts, tweets, or comments totaling at least 250 words. You may do this by simply copying and pasting posts from a web browser, or by using R (or another tool) to...
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