Project management

Structure, Organization, Ease of reading, Grammar: 2.5 PointsThis Assignment had a very, very specific structure.  Identify 2-4 issues.  Come up with solutions for those issues and summarize them briefly. Provide a table with Pros and Cons for each, and wrap it all up with an overall (but brief) recommendation what could have been done to help prevent this disaster from a PM...
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Employee Retention and Separation

Unit 4 Assignment: County General Hospital Case StudyIn this assignment, you will apply the key guidelines associated with employee retention and how theyconnect with the four human resource strategies described in Appendix A of the text.Read the Discussion Case in Appendix A regarding County General Hospital, and write a 2- to 3-pagepaper answering the following questions:1. What is the HR...
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Employee Retention and Separation

Focusing on retaining high performing employees and maintaining appropriate staffing levels are key functions for both human resources and the management of an organization. This units discussion addresses both of these functions. Please label your initial response to the different parts as A and B. Employee RetentionA. What are the factors that influence employee retention? What three steps...
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Stakeholders, Metrics, and Quick Wins

MT400-2: Analyze the role of planning and metrics in a successful Business Process Management(BPM) project.In this Assignment, you are going to evaluate a specific business process based on criteria detailedbelow. If you already have selected a business process, continue using that and skip to the nextparagraph. If you have not yet selected the business process you will use for these...
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Organizational Communication

Read chapter 5 pg. 124-157Pick one of the prompts below:1. Define culture and explain what is meant by culture as "symbolic construction." Then, explain how understanding culture in this way impacts the study of organizations. 2. What are some differences in viewing organizations as culture versus classical management (ch. 3) or systems (ch. 4) approaches? In what was are the perspectives...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

In this assignment, you will record and transcribe your conversation with at least 3 people and write a 3/5-page paper that reflects on concepts learned in the course thus far. More specifically, you will audio-tape, record, and transcribe conversations with a friend, significant other, family member, coworker, etc. Make sure to ask the people you interview for their permission to record the...
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Determining Targets through Root Cause Analysis

It is important to identify what issues will be targeted before revision can begin in the upcoming Innovate phase. In the Understand phase, you conduct root cause analysis, which not only helps to determine the right problems to attack, but also to gather an understanding of where you are currently and where you need to be. Correct identification will allow you to make quick improvements, which...
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Personal Statement

Your Personal Essay should address why you selected occupational therapy as a career and how this degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background help you achieve your goals. This essay is an important part of your application and allows you to clearly and effectively express yourself. Include a short...
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