Compare and Contrast

Answer the following TWO questions:1. Both Domingo Sarmiento and Jos Mart grappled with the question of whatdirection should be taken by the independent nations of Spanish America. Inhis writings, offered what we might call plans for the future of his countries. These plans were based on specific visions of the identities of the nations they hoped to lead. Compare and contrast how these two...
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American Independence

Please write a paragraph on  TWO sections of your choice.  In each paragraph, please evaluate, in your own estimation, how credible you believe that section's argument is and why. Good Luck!  The Assignment is attached below:American Independence Exercise #5Please Read Introduction Despite interpretive differences among historians, certain facets to the surrounding context to...
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De-Centering the Renaissance

1. Expanding the Renaissance  (Links to an external site.)Read the section entitled "Disrupting the Narrative".2. Crash Course: The Renaissance: Was It a Thing?To tackle this assignment, start by reading and watching them. Take notes on the argument and perspective expressed in both. Write a one to two paragraph (at least 5 sentences per paragraph) summary of the points forwarded and ideas...
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Sustainable Logistics Unit 5 IP

Add a Summary and Recommendations section to your Supply Chain Process Improvement Proposal. This section will summarize your findings and specify your recommendations for the organization you chose as the basis for your improvement proposal. Present a case for sustainable supply chains and an overall recommendation for improvement to the company you have chosen for this project. Summary and...
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Exploring Entrepreneurism

After the meeting of the Board of Directors, the Chairwoman of the Board calls you into her office. She offers you a cup of coffee and is impressed with the information that you presented in the meeting and your understanding of new ventures. She says:Were ready to invest in a new generation of business leaders. There is so much talent arising from business schools and the passion for...
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Here's the prompt:According Utilitarianism's Greatest Happiness Principle, we are morally required to do whatever action will maximize happiness overall. In 250 words  explain ONE of the objections to Utilitarianism. Do you think this objection is definitive, or can it be successfully answered? (Use the pdf on Objections to Utilitarianism and the readings as the basis of your post.)
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Music and voilence

Begin your research paper on music.APA Style / 5 pages (not counting title page, abstract or References) / 3 sourcesYou must have an introduction, a thesis statement, and at least one reason sufficiently developed with evidence. I already have an introduction and thesis, you have to use the rest and info must come from the sources listed in the file attached
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Cultural Life Span Short Answer Questions

Directions: Read the scenario below and answer the reflective questions based on the scenario. Your response for each question should be 50-100 words. Do not exceed 100 words in your response. Include any scholarly references to support your responses.Scenario:Maria Sanchez is a 60-year-old Latina woman who has concerns about her neighbor Lynn, a 21-year-old White woman. Lynn appears to have...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

I would also like each team to introduce the reader to the case study by creating a "Case Study Write-Up" as an addendum to your answers. Your write-up should include the following parts (again a few bulleted sentences for each section is fine):Background StatementMajor Problem and Secondary IssuesOrganizational Strengths and WeaknessesSolutions and RecommendationsEvaluation
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ADHD Quantitative vs Qualitative

The subject is on ADHD and just fill out the fill out chart provided. The articles must be current (within the last five years), and one article must be quantitative, and one article must be qualitative.Article choice is very important, therefore:Articles used for this assignment cannot be used for the other assignments. The selected articles should be original research studies. Review articles,...
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