Journal Presentation

Background fo the researchIntroduction: Identifies the purpose and rationale of the researchHypotheses: Explains the background research and expected findings  Methods: Describes the methods used to conduct the research ( e.g., participants, sample, measures, procedures, etc.) Results: Explains the findings of the research study(ies)Study implications: Explains how this research can be...
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Activism in the Social Media Age

Please read the entire article: assignment is focused on how social media has changed the behavior of people specifically people who are growing up with social media.  Answer the following in a short essay. How has social media affected your perceptions of activism?  Do you think a voice amplified by...
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Interpreting a Research Article

YOU DON'T HAVE TO RESTATE THE QUESTIONS:introduction: 1.  After reading the introduction, explain in your own words the reason(s) why the authors chose to conduct this particular research study (be specific). (3 pts)2.  What scientific question is being addressed? (2 pts)3.  What is the authors hypothesis? (2 pts)Subjects and Methods:  4. What inclusion and/or exclusion...
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Experimental versus Non-experimental Quantitative Research: Depression

** TOPIC: Research based on Depression **Using research databases, look for a scholarly/peer-reviewed quantitative research study on the topic "Depression". In your initial post,- Appraise the differences between experimental and non-experimental research.- Differentiate between a correlational study and an experimental study.- State the hypothesis being tested in the selected quantitative...
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this task/paper, was done and completed by a scholar in this website, when i submitted it, my professor said that there is a part that needs to be revised. NOTE: I requested the same scholar that worked on it, so please others, do not waste ur time and bid, cuz i will only assign the writer that worked on it previously to avoid confusion. My professor said (((((it was perfect, but he said that...
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Case Study

TEXTBOOK PAGES ATTACHEDFor this first Exam One, you have a writing assignment: I want you to go back through the five theories we have discussed and read about to dateCultural Relativism, Ethical Subjectivism, Ethical Egoism, Utilitarianism and Immanuel Kants deontologyand a new one I am adding "rights and justice."  You will think about these SIX ethical theories and respond to a dilemma in...
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Video Journal 3

This week you will submit your final journal reflection for your public health observational experience. For this reflection you will address the 3rd objective you identified in week 3 of the course.  Review the course content, resources, and literature related to your objective to prepare for your experience.After completing your observation, create a video reflection documenting your...
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question 3

QUESTION 3Identify the relevant laws and standards that are used to ensure best practices in industrial and hazardous waste management. Discuss how these standards prescribe the laboratory testing to differentiate different key attributes of waste types. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
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After you have explored the documents (see attachments) then post a one paragraph (about five thoughtful sentences) summary of what you learned. This could be either something you found of interest, or answers to the activity questions or comments regarding the interactive map.Be sure you have explored at least THREE of the documents. Be sure that at least one document is a written...
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After you have explored the documents (see attachments) then post a one paragraph (about five thoughtful sentences) summary of what you learned. This could be either something you found of interest, or answers to the activity questions or comments regarding the interactive map.Be sure you have explored at least THREE of the documents. Be sure that at least one document is a written...
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