Transition from High School/Teen to College and Adulthood

Please discuss the issues teenagers and young adults face transitioning into their next phase of life. Below are several factors that can affect students and ideas that can researched. Do high school offer enough resources and prepare them for the next phase. Do the schools or areas provide alternatives to college. Are guidance counselors active in helping students while in school. SAT/ACT...
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Business Ethics and Corporate Governance

Using the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal, you are required to use thestakeholders theory to:i) Summarise key facts of the scandal. (10 marks)ii) Identify Facebooks key stakeholders. (20 marks)iii) Critically evaluate the effectiveness of Facebooks social, ethical, andenvironmental accounting, auditing and reporting tools used tocommunicate with stakeholders. (20 marks)iv) Explain how...
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I'm writing an essay about Human Resource Management. It's divided in few parts. ( HRM - SHRM, HR Planning, Job Analysis, Recruitment, Selection and Induction)I'm a bit short on time and I need part for Recruitment.It should be around 500+ words with definition, explanation what it is, attracting suitable candidates, recruitment methods and one recommendation based on research done.I also...
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how travel brands use online marketing to influence travellers decision

Hello! In the dissertation chapter I need to review the instruments that are used by travel brands and online travel agencies such as software marketing automation machine and 1 on 1 communication to influence the travellers decision to select a destination and/or make a purchase. Only the mentioned instruments need to be evaluated, as the rest online marketing instruments (SEO, social media,...
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introducing and reinforcing the key concepts associated with supply chain interfaces and prototyping.

You have been hired as a Logistics Engineering Manager by a consolidated manufacturing firm. The CEO intends that you will bring a competitive advantage to the company by integrating the concepts of total quality management, production planning and control, concurrent engineering, and the strategic approach to total manufacturing management. He has tasked you with a series of papers to introduce...
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Use the following case to come up with three meaningful initiatives for Siemens of your assigned Business Area (Communication, CFO, HR). You can create one for each of them or 2 for communication and 1 for HR. Meaning that you can distribute it as you want. Please, use the excel spreadsheet as the guide for the information that should be filled in. You can add it to the excel file or in a word...
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case study question

PGT Therapeutics Coursework A 72 year old man presents to his general practice with abdominal cramps and loose stools for 1 week.  He recently had a fall and sustained a laceration.  This became infected and was treated. How would he initially be assessed? (5)What are the potential causes? (10)If it was due to a suspected infective cause what potential management options would be...
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reading response

Discuss the Point of View and its effect on the telling of the story How and by whom is the story being told? What is the effect of using this pov for this story? What might happen if the POV was altered? Find a section that stands out to you. Why do you think it stands out?
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LGBTQI behavioral

Choose a topic related to LGBTQI behavioral/mental health. Examples include trauma, abuse, homelessness, or bipolar disorder.In a Word document, write a synthesis paper that addresses the following sections:Introduction to topicEpidemiology and economic costsOverview of the assessment/tools to assess/DSM-5Pharmacological interventions with specifics to dynamics, kinetics, contraindications, side...
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