Any topic (writer’s choice)

Submission DirectionsBefore you submit your paper, view the "Course Specific Policies on Paper Submissions and Plagiarism (CSPPSAP)," "General Paper Guidelines" and "CITATIONS" pages on the Start Here Module and the Paper Topics below to ensure that you follow all instructions and standards for papers. Remember that papers will be checked by an anti-plagiarism tool.NOTE: Recall that the course...
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The Evolution of FEMA

Identify and describe the events (more then 2 events) in US History that have altered/transformed the mission and/or priorites of FEMA.  Explain the changes that occurred corresponding to each event/incident/disaster.RequirementsAPA Format Word DocumentAt least 1200 word count excluded Title Page and Reference Page (5 to 6 pages)At least three credible resources using in text citation Due...
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An indication of the (continued) relevance of Goethes approach to the story of Faust is the history of receptions and adaptations that his play has inspired. You goal in this unit is to explore versions that interest you both individually and as a team. You might want to consider:    musical and operatic versions (from the 19th century);    film versions (esp. by...
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Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU)

Advertising and other marketing efforts directed towards children have long been controversial. Visit the website of Children's Advertising Review Unit (CARU). It may take some time to find CARU so start this assignment early. You will type a 2 3 page paper on the following:What is the purpose of CARU? (Include citations)What are the major issues regarding marketing to children? (Include...
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Browser Extension

I need a simple browser extension for chrome. It must do the following things:1) have a user sign-in with username and password and verify user info against a SQL database. keep the user signed in even after closing the browser. Have a logout button once signed in.2) when the extension detects you are on a specific site have it overwrite & autofill info into a sign-in form using database...
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US policy

I want you to fill up the economic sanction part on the outline.This white paper is about US policy toward women's right in Iran.We propose one policy which is economic sanction. I want you to write economic sanction's pro and con and data analysis. also why is economic sanction not best option and then conclusion. is a comment from instructor:How can the U.S. make sure Iran understands it is...
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Hurrican Katrina Emergency Management

In 350 Words Please explain the long- and short-term impacts that Hurricane Katrina had on the practice of emergency management.In your discussion please touch on how some of the issues could have been avoided or reduced and what actions you would take, as Director of FEMA, to prevent such issues from occurring again in the future.
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.Explain the term model minority discourse in your own words. Describe the political and historical context in which the term emerges and the contemporary significance of this term. Cite evidence from at least one reading. Make sure to provide details of  "who, what, when where, why, and how" in your example.  (at least 200 Words) 2.Provide an explanation of at least two political...
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this video above. Then look-up the company Juicero. Imagine youre a customer and just bought a unit. What are your thoughts? Now imagine youre the you agree with the thoughts you had as a customer? Discuss why or why not. As a founder, what do you do next based on what your thoughts were as a customer of Juicero?
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H1N1 Influenza Epidemic in Iowa

The instructions have been uploaded, please answer the following questions. The rubric has been uploaded as well. Please include summary at the end. APA format1.Why is communication important during the public health response to an epidemic? 2.Describe the testing process for biological emergencies and how it works, including the impact on the patient and public health. 3.Why is influenza virus a...
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