
Interview and share the story of an entrepreneur. It should be someone you dont already know, but admire. There are no requirements for specific questions, but make it interesting.600-800 wordsWhat's impressive about this person?What has their entrepreneurial journey been like?What can you learn from them?Extra credit for presenting to class
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Discussion Topic Of IST 309

 Discussion Topic III- Facebook DilemmaRequirements: watch the two-part Facebook Dilemma video:(cut & paste link)Part 1Part 2Then, write a 1-2 page paper that includes answers to the following two questions (remember to cite sources):1) In today's technological immersive environment, do you think even a big tech company can get in over it's head?2) Is Facebook part of...
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Book Review

Choose one of the books:Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, by Kerry Patterson , Joseph Grenny , et al.OR Choosing Civility: The Twenty-five Rules of Considerate Conduct---by P. M. FornThen make a "Top 5" list and write a paper based on what you learned, what had an impact on you, or what you found to be most interesting to you as a future Healthcare Professional and...
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Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai 1 1/2 pages a)  What advice would you give to the leader on how to better motivate followers or use the capabilities of themedium (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, networking) to influence people toward a common goal? b)  Analyze the leaders style. Apply whatever leadership approach best fits the situation to analyze the leadersstyle and his or her use of social...
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M3D2: Exploring Themes in Faulkners Barn Burning

This is a basic discussion post pertaining to Exploring Themes in Faulkners Barn Burning. The following basic instructions are below as well as an attached file with readings from textbook/module notes to help aid in the writing of this assignment.***Read Faulkners Barn Burning carefully and note the theme you feel speaks most clearly to you from the story. Prepare to discuss what you feel and...
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Go online and search for information about companies that have been harmed or bankrupted by a disaster. Choose one such company and create a brief case study about it. Successful narratives will focus on the manner in which the organization was impacted, including financial losses, losses of sales, or the need for layoffs. Your assignment should be 3-4 paragraphs in length.
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Violence in sports

The paper should include the following elements:Source information Summary of the informationYour personal reaction to the information presentedRelate the information to your current and/or future career goalsWould you recommend this article/video for use in class?(I need an article or something as to what I will be talking about. Since my topic is about violence in sports, was there something...
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Summary Assignment

I need a written essay (800 words minimum) of the report below summarized with no quotes. The essay must be written as a hypothesis, or "working" thesis and then summarize both the supporting evidence and the counter arguments in that section of the report. Also a brief evaluation of the evidence and sources using the STAR criteria. 
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Weekly Writing Assignment Of PA 315

 Writing Assignment - respond to the following questions.1. What are the three most important takeaways/lessons from the material provided in this module? (150 words or more)2. Drawing on the material that was provided what else would like to know? What other related questions/ideas/topics would you like to explore in the future? (100 words or more)3.  Based on your own...
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5 Pages Due In 28 Hours

Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapter 5 in the course text, and watch The DSM-5 (Links to an external site.) screencast on how to access and use this resource and how to cite and reference the DSM-5. Use the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.) (Links to an external...
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