
Think about a difficult collaborative or communication experience you have had with a patient, nurse, or another health care professional. What barriers to successful collaboration or communication were evident? What strategies could be utilized for a better relationship and improved collaboration or communication? Why is it important for nurses and other health care providers to work as one...
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Cybersecurity in the workplace

Using the resources provided in this module, compose a brief assignment (500 to 800 words, approximately 2 to 3 pages) about cybersecurity in the workplace. Below are a few prompts to help you focus your assignment. (Do not try to discuss all of these topics. Choose one or two that interest you.)Why do companies conduct cybersecurity risk assessments? What do they find out from these...
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The Existence of a Multiverse: Exploring Different Perspectives

There are several rules you have to follow for submission:1-    Your essay should be original.2-    Total essay should not exceed 2.5 pages of Duble-spaced, font size 12, no cover page with name or ID should be included. 3-    The citation should not exceed 1 page (thus 1.5 page essay . and 1-page citation)4-    Everything you quote or borrow must be cited...
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Weekly forum posts and responses (13 posts/responses x 10 points each = 130 points). These weekly forum posts and responses ask that engage with your classmates on the assigned readings. You are required to submit (1) an original post of 200-words that summarizes the reading or film and (2) an original comment of 100-words to a student post.
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Packaging Materials Comparison

You are going to compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of a paper- based shipping container, a wood-based shipping container and a plastic-based shipping container for use as a distribution package (a non-retail shipping package). You must consider the entire supply chain in your response.  Ensure your assignment is in APA format and must include a properly formatted...
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It is just a question and answer format

1. There is a population of animals that are one of two colors. You find a population where N=16. You find there are four individuals that are homozygous recessive. What percentage of the total population do they represent?2. What is the frequency of the recessive allele?3. What is the frequency of the dominant allele?4. What is the frequency of the heterozygotes?5. How many would you expect to...
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Implications of Cyberbullying in Children

This is an assignment for Sociology of ChildhoodThe instructions to the assignment are in the word doc. This does not need to be written in any specific format other than what the instructions are asking for in the assignment. Please follow the instructions to the assignment exactlyThe 2 articles that need to be analyzed are also attached.As the assignment doc says, complete the steps 1-4 for...
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M6D2: International Disaster Relief

This is a basic discussion post pertaining to International Disaster Relief. The following basic instructions are below as well as an attached file with readings from textbook/module notes to help aid in the writing of this assignment.****Compare and Contrast one recent disaster within the United states with one that occurred abroad. In your response, describe the nature of the events, the...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer One Instructor Discussion Question for each Module TopicThe Instructor will post between 2-4 Discussion Questions for each Module. You are required to respond to ONE question of your choice.Your response to Instructor Discussion Questions should be at least 2-3 paragraphs long, with each paragraph consisting of 5-7 complete sentences. It will include a thoughtful and critical discussionof...
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