online 7

Discuss the steps of Implementation and Analysis, regarding the Social Media Marketing for that business you always dreamed about starting (continued from last week's discussion).It is paramount that you follow the guidelines, in order to receive full credit for this assignment. The entire idea of these discussions is to broaden our perspective in terms of marketing, through the sharing of...
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Ethical practices

Hide Assignment InformationInstructionsNo directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations.There are ethical challenges in every aspect of the criminal justice system. Administrators are responsible for setting the tone for ethical conduct in the administration and operation of their...
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Misconceptions of Negative Reinforcement

Example: Negative reinforcement is commonly misunderstood because of the term negative. Most people get it mixed up with punishment or think it refers to an unwanted behavior being reinforced. In the science of behavior analysis, the term negative refers to the fact that a stimulus is being removed after a behavior. Remember, reinforcement is used to increase behavior, so with negative...
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Full Draft of Prespectus

The research prospectus is an expansion of your 10 Key Strategic Points and will serve as the framework for your dissertation proposal, and is considered the foundational document for your dissertation. The research prospectus will also assist your dissertation chair in providing valuable feedback to guide you in your dissertation. I will provide template and 10 Strategic points after selection
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Motivational Interviewing

Needs 4- 5 references research based articles.What is the purpose of  Motivational Interviewing (MI). What are the 5 principles of motivational interviewing?What are oars skills what do they include?What are the four processes of motivational interviewing?OARS Model: Essential Communication Skills (Motivational Interviewing:)
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Stress Response

Describe the response to a stressor and the meaning that the stressor has for a Young Adult (2039)Depict how genetics, past experiences, conditioning, and cultural influences affect perception of stress and stressors in Young Adult (2039)Indicate how stressors may be external or internal for Young Adult (2039)Describe how individuals may be more vulnerable to the effects of stressors at certain...
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Competitive Analysis and Strategic Assessment

Note: Refer to scenarios, reading assignments, and discussion questions from previous weeks to complete this assignment.In Part I of your business plan, you identified an overview of your business concept, provided the mission statement and vision of the company leadership, and presented the products or services that your company will produce to satisfy the specific needs and wants of your target...
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B&L Case File

Assignment instructions:Read the case file below. Then you will answer these three questions:1.    Besides cost savings, what other factors should Brian consider when making this outsourcing decision?2.    List two and tell why you think this are important considerations.3.    Based on what you know and have learned, do you think the outrigger bracket...
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The artist Giorgio De Chirico painted the seminal work entitled “Mystery and Melancholy of A Street” in 1914. Please discuss how the artist uses color (muted), the vanishing point and multiple perspectives within the image.

The artist Giorgio De Chirico painted the seminal work entitled "Mystery and Melancholy of A Street" in 1914. Please discuss how the artist uses color (muted), the vanishing point and multiple perspectives within the image. How many vanishing points are there in this image and where are they? Also, how does his use of perspective influence your understanding of the painting? Must be 500 words or...
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