Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. It should show all the required math work and explain all the steps. Also include a simple reference for any used resource. For example: Washington Post dated August 13, 2018 or retrieved from <url-address>.#10.)  Choose three stocks, three bonds, and three mutual funds that you think would make good investments.Imagine that you...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

A.  Walmarts Income Statement and Consolidate FootnotesUsing Wal-Marts 10-K, Walmarts February 2018 Earnings Release and in particular their annual financial results, answer the following:a)    Describe what revenue is included in Net Sales?  b)    Describe what is contained in the Cost of Sales?c)    Describe what is contained in Operating,...
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How technology and athletic tracking devices are used in the world of sports/soccer by sport managers to meet the needs of the team/ The pros and cons of soccer or sport managers using different athletic devices to try and maximize players performances a

This can not be plagiarized or I will fail. It is also due at 3:30 pm sharp or its not accepted. This is for my sport management class. I need a topic, a good and concise research question and an abstract For my sport management class that needs to be 300- 500 words that should briefly discuss what my paper is going to be about and 3 sources. 2 of them being peer edited all in Apa style. That is...
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book review

I added  gibbs cycle definition and  ' book ' (The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership) in  attachments. I also added structure of paper in attachment.Table of content and separating 'description' part to purpose, questions, information, concepts, assumptions, inferences, points of view, implications are important after that use other parts of 'gibbs cycle' such as feeling,...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

BELOW ARE THE FULL INSTRUCTIONS FOR MY PROJECT.  I AM ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR SECTION 2 USING THE INDUSTRY: Quick-Service Restaurant Industry. THANK YOU! (DO NOT DO SECTIONS 1, 3, 4, OR 5).MY SECTION IS:Section IIBenefits (Must include all benefits that may be provided in this industry. However, since industries will vary in relation to available benefits, students should choose a minimum of...
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Please see Project Paper 2 Template for reference (page 11)Develop a specific recommendation with supporting rationale for the clientDevelop a specific recommendation with supporting rationale for the company managementPaper should be: 1-2 pagestyped, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, with margins no wider than one inchhave footnotes or end-notes, with correct...
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International business

1.Read the article attached about the coffee industry:2. Watch the video: CNN Nokero June 18, 2010 found at Answer the following questions:1.    Based upon the country classifications and information presented in the article, The Global Coffee Industry, write three conclusions you can make about the coffee industry. 2.    Based upon information presented in this...
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Discussion Board #10 Benefits: Not Just the Cherry on Top

Benefits are a major issue in employee satisfaction, market competitiveness and even government regulation. Tell me your approach to providing benefits-pro rated for part time or not, cafeteria plans (not for lunch but the menu of benefits), subsidy of health care, child care, retirement plan vs 401 K, non-traditional benefits (health clubs, parking, transit subsidy, free lunches, golf...
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