Bus Extra Credit

Communication is a vital tool to have in business and personally. As human resource professionals, you will communicate continuously with many people, including management, employees and consultants. One area of communication that can be both effective and detrimental is communicating through emails and texts. Because HR professionals often work with people, they may deal with different emotions...
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Families And Society

please write a sociological position paper by presenting an argument backed with statistics. please use Position 1: SAT score is not necessarily a measure of intelligence; rather, it is a reflection of family income.Please no plagiarism, follow instructions 1-5 i will be uploading a doc to reference. 
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Delaware Centor for Justice

Please visit the Delaware Center for Justice (Links to an external site.) and reflect on its contents.  Please focus your essay on the restorative justice programs offered at the Delaware Center for Justice.  Explain in your essay, Delaware Center for Justice's agency mission and various programs offered at Delaware Center for Justice? Why do you think the DCJ chose Ashley Biden in 2015...
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Kingston-Bryce Risk Mitigation Plan week 3

Your task is to create a risk mitigation plan in Microsoft Word to ensure that KBL has documentation to complete the acquisition. Detail the risks the project may be subjected to and what actions will be taken to minimize the impact of these risks on your project. You will need to create a list of risks that could potentially happen in the project. Be creative!Think about examples such as cost,...
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Victimes of Crime Act

Explain in detail the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) of 1984.  Explain the connections between the Office of Victims of Crime and the Delaware Criminal Justice Council.  Be sure to make the connection to the Delaware Victims' Compensation Assistance Program. Write clearly, concisely, and appropriately using APA 6th Edition, correct English, grammar, punctuation, usage, sentence structure...
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Bus- Assignment 4

In this assignment, you will create an outline of an onboarding process. Summarize what you feel are the two (2) most important elements in on-boarding in the global environment.Write a one to two (1-2) page memorandum to your Human Resource Director in which you:Explain why an on-boarding process needs to be created. Then create an outline of an on-boarding process. Include a brief explanation...
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L’Oreal Masters Multiculturalism

paper is based on your discussion about the article L'Oreal Masters Multiculturalism.  An overview of all 3 parts of the "Article Analysis and Discussion" assignment is attached.  Successful discussion participation requires an inquiring attitude and thorough preparation drawing on critical reading skills. As a critical reader, you should be able to: (a) prepare annotations and...
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Provoke or Precipitate

weigh in on the idea that crime victims provoke or precipitate crimes against them.  Do you have any examples from your professional experience to support your position?    Write clearly, concisely, and appropriately using APA 6th Edition, correct English, grammar, punctuation, usage, sentence structure and vocabulary. Write clearly, concisely, and appropriately using APA 6th...
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part 2

2: Analysis of Fundamentals: Revenue Outlook for Exxon company Review the material Assessing a Company's Future Financial Health for an overview of the nine steps of a corporate financial analysis. As your group moves through these nine steps in conducting an analysis, you will research the market at each step for relevant data on your chosen company, including analyst reports, market...
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