
Uninformed opinions are usually based on assumptions we've never really examined. Examples of popular assumptions that are largely unexamined include:1. "Bottled water is safer and better for us than tap water."2. "Forest fires should always be prevented or suppressed immediately."3. "The fewer germs in their environment, the healthier the children."4. "The more soy we eat, the better."Identify...
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 ccording to techopedia, facial recognition is a biometric software application capable of uniquely identifying or verifying a person by comparing and analyzing patterns based on the person's facial contours. And though facial recognition is primarily used for security purposes, though there is increasing interest in other areas of use.Conduct your own research on the topic of facial...
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Passing User Values To A Function And Using The Return Value Of The Function

 InstructionsThis program gets values from the user, and then runs a calculation.  The values are passed by reference (by address), so the main() function  sees the changed values of the variables. The first function  (getValues()) gets user input. The second function (calcCubic), performs  the calculations, and the third function (printCubic()) prints the  value of...
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Write And Call Three Functions

 InstructionsYou will write a flowchart, and C code for a program that does the following:Call three functions from main(). The functions are named first(),  second(), and third(). Each function prints out its name ("first,"  "second," "third."). After all three functions are called, the main()  function should print "End of program."Here is what the program looks...
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Precarious employment and WLB (Work life balance)

States, Markets and Work-Life Balance: Canadian Employment and Labour PoliciesAP/SOSC 3982 (3.0)WLB Annotated Bibliography Assignment Due February 6, 2020Your work-life balance annotated bibliography and analysis should be a critical andanalytical review of 10 sources, building on the literature, lectures and the key conceptsof the course. Sources can include: books; journal articles; government...
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Video Journal

This week you will submit your 1st journal reflection for your public health observational experience. For the reflection: select one of the objectives you identified to accomplish during your OLE for the first week at your site. Review the course content, resources, and literature related to your objective to prepare for your experience.After completing your observation this week, create a video...
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Evaluating and Acquiring Technology

Assignment 1: Evaluating and Acquiring Technology    Due Week 6 and worth 140 points Your CEO realized that deep-routed organizational behavior issues are preventing your firm from moving to the next level. The CEO believes that some infusion of new technology will help. You have been assigned as the project manager for this endeavor, and the CEO needs a report from you regarding your...
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Assignment For Data Mining

Introduction briefly  Assignment #3 (100 point)Students are required to submit the assignment 3 to your instructor for grading. The assignments are on the assigned materials/textbook topics associated with the course modules. Please read the following instruction and complete it to post on schedule.1. Consider the data set shown in Table 5.20 (439 page). (Chapter 5)(a) Compute the...
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Relate the following reading to the disciplines of Sociology and Anthropology

Read the attached article and create a PowerPoint presentation on the reading concerning the disciplines of Sociology and Anthropology and the topics covered in the course (3-4 connections to course material). Create a minimum of five questions that encourage critical thinking processes for discussion of the article for a class. You are expected to make reference to Canadian statistics throughout...
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Interview Paper

  Interview a community college counselor. The paper must include the following: Abstract, Introduction (stating what will be discussed in the interview paper), Name and title of person interviewed, Background (work experience and work history), Current Work Environment, Career Services offered, Training, Current Client Population, Counselors Role, Personal Counseling Philosophy, Theory...
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