Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please complete both parts:1.    Many composers kept diaries during their lives. Choose a composer from the twentieth (or twenty-first) century and an important event from that composer's life. Consider how this event relates to the music the composer wrote. Write a diary entry related to that event in 1st person voice, as if the composer wrote it (Your choice should not be in the Jazz,...
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Summarize the article.Minimum of 300 words-Points will be deducted if paper is less than 300 words.No outside materials used. I want to hear your views on the reading. You can reference the reading. Turnitin report must be under 5% or no credit will be given.
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Code of Ethics

DESCRIPTION:  The preservice teacher/candidate will review and reflect upon the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida and identify situations in the K-12 setting that relates to the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida and educational law. Describe how the foundation and history of education and the K-12 professionals roles and responsibilities related to the...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

The essay needs to be in MLA format please and the sources need to come from both of the poems. Robert Frosts poem "Birches" and T.S Elliot "The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock". Instructions from my professor: This essay needs to be thesis driven and argumentative. Meaning you need to do more than just pointing out what is occurring in two texts; you need to be point out aspects in tow texts to...
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case study

Read Case #3 - "Amazon Drone Knocking" , then answer the following questions:How will drones impact the supply chain?How could BPR help uncover issues in a company's supply chain that uses drones?Your submission should be a Word document of at least 400 words, with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, including APA formatted references and in-text citations.
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Respondent and Operant Behaviors

In the science of behavior analysis there are two types of conditioning. Respondent behaviors can be thought of as reflexes that are elicited by stimuli. While operant behaviors can be thought of as behaviors that are maintained by environmental consequences and evoked by environmental stimuli.Describe a behavior you engaged in today that was an operant behavior. Also, describe a behavior that...
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Research Design The current study use a mixed method design, which implies the systematic investigation of a given phenomenon through collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data will provide The qualitative data will provide Explain how the concurrent design, which will allow for the collection of data for each variable and describe the constructs you are examining....
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Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA)

You should write 200 words in total on the important/impactful things you have experienced during the period of studying this module.These entries should address the following points:What is happening in your internship or workplace?How are you relating what you have learned in Module 1 to what is happening in your workplace?Reflect on the process of identifying the level of responsibility for...
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Type 2 diabetes

The assignment will include the following criteria:1. Complete a Genetic Family History Form on an individual/patient of choice and attach as an appendix.2. Construct a genogram and attach as an appendix.3. Provide an explanation of the genogram by interpreting the family history.4. Discuss patterns of the disease focusing on a single disorder/condition.5. Research the literature on the...
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