The legend Kobe Bryant

Essay #2 InformationAssignment: Write a profile of a person, place, or event. See Chapter 19 for guidelines and Chapter 66 for sample profiles.As Chapter 19 discusses, a profile has the following elements:* An interesting subject* Necessary background information* An interesting angle* A firsthand account* Engaging detailsField research is required for this essay. If you are writing about a place...
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Assignment 3 redo

Analyze LearnersIn the first part of the assignment for this week, you will analyze the target learners of the design project you have been developing. What do you know about the learners? What do you need to know about the learners? How will any of this information influence the design of the instruction or training? Those are the types of questions you will address in your brief analysis. To...
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Code of Ethics

DESCRIPTION:  The preservice teacher/candidate will review and reflect upon the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida and identify situations in the K-12 setting that relates to the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida and educational law. Describe how the foundation and history of education and the K-12 professionals roles and responsibilities related to the...
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Potential Theoretical Foundations

Every dissertation has a theoretical foundation that governs the research being conducted. With many options available, it is imperative to begin exploring potential theoretical foundations for your dissertation study. Therefore, in this assignment, you will identify theories could potentially serve as the theoretical foundation for your dissertation study.General Requirements:Use the following...
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Case in the News Questionnaire 2

Your management case assignment for chapter three consists of:1 - Answering the Case: Case in the News- Questionnaire 2, questions 1, 2 & 3  (Attached here and under Week 3/Readings).Your answers will be submitted in a Word document and ensure they answer completely what the questions are asking.  In addition, make sure to write complete sentences and check spelling. Avoid to...
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Case Analysis

Case Analysis - FSCJ & Faculty Union Contract For this Case Analysis, refer to the Collective Bargaining Agreement that has been attached.You will find the entire 2016-2019 CBA between the FSCJ Faculty and the FSCJ Board of Trustees provided in full language.  (This contract, with some modification, has been extended one year to August 15, 2020.  At that time, a newly-bargained CBA...
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My evaluation of your Week 2 submission is based on the universitys four universal rubric criteria, the first two of which are the most important:1. Did the students work meet the requirements of the assignment?2. Does the students work demonstrate understanding of the materials in the activity?3. Is the students writing clear and compelling?4. Does the students work include appropriate usage of...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

American jazz served as the foundation for rock and roll music.  American jazz is explored in the discussion this week. Select one jazz composer that is not covered in the course text. (These are some in the text:  Scott Joplin, Sippie Wallace, Original Dixieland Jazz Band, Louis Armstrong, and Jelly Roll Morton.) Write the post from the perspective of the chosen composer. Discuss the...
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Leadership Case Study Analysis

Read and analyze the assigned HBR Case Study: Idalene F. Kesner, Leadership Development: Perk or Priority. You will need to read this multiple times to understand the facts very well and be able to write the memorandum required. Write a memorandum from Karen Barton to Dave Palmer that convinces Dave Palmer to restore Karen Barton's budget for leadership development. To be successful, you must...
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After the Civil War

After the Civil War, how were healing and justice accomplished? How was the process of healing and/or justice lacking? What could have/should have been done better or differently?Student demonstrates knowledge of problems needing to be addressed after the Civil War, and how the country actually went about picking up the pieces after the Civil War. Student uses mulitple pieces of evidence to...
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