about Tuskegee

What went wrong?How do Tuskegee and other similar studies relate to current attitudes of African Americans toward research?Are there any current threats like Tuskegee? Could this happen again?How can Tuskegee and other unethical research practices be prevented?Why do we start a course in Social Work Research Methods with cases like Tuskegee?What are the ethical implications of these experiments...
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physician-patient relationship

1. Which of these models of the doctor-patient relationship would you accept? Why?Paternalism (physician knows best and patients should defer to physicians judgment);Partnership (physician and patient should work together collaboratively towards the common goal of patient health);Contract (patient contracts with the physician for certain services and each have their respective duties);Friendship...
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Dead Aid(book name) – Dambisa Moyo(book author)

A full book review may concern only one book. Its length is about 1500-2000 words. It should give readers an engaging, informative, and critical discussion of the work. The review should follow the Guidelines below.The review should consider (please use as your outline):    The intended audience for the book and who would find it useful    The background of the...
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Consumption Journal Paper

GuidelinesYou will be asked to observe your purchases over the duration of two months - these could be products or services you bought for yourself or for a gift (suggestion write down 2 purchases a week in a notebook or word file along with some notes about each purchase). You will not be asked to provide your journal entries to me, but rather use the journal to help you write your assignment....
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Impaired Nurse A nurse on your unit is frequently late, occasionally looks high, and based on your observations, gives substandard care to patients. Upon receiving report, you realize that there is a discrepancy between documented medication given to one of the patients and what the patient tells you. You have suspicions based on the nurses behavior that the nurse might be diverting narcotics...
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SMART Goals and KPIs Assignment

1. Choose and carefully define a LOCAL business - no big national brands. You will continue to use this business as your "client" throughout this course so pick wisely :) Also, don't just tell me that they are a "bakery" - elaborate the kind of bakery, any specialties, any particular target market, etc. Give me as much information as possible as you define this brand.2. Develop three (3)...
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Please read the following article by Graeme Wood. Please respond to the article in 2 pages or less  For those who need a basic platform, here is a guiding question:Graeme Wood provides a detailed look at the ideology of ISIS and its relationship to Islam. Considering our classroom discussions and the texts we read together, what is your opinion regarding ISIS ideology (as described by Wood...
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learning by examples- case studies

watch the four case studies. They can be find on Youtube. Here is the title.1.Coca-cola Contour Digital Campaign- Case Study2.Google Marketing Platform: adidas Case Study3.SMALL BUT MIGHTY:a fully integrated digital campaign.4.5 Social Media Campaign Examples From Big Brands You Want to Be in 2018
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U.S Constitution

Read and carefully follow these instructions:  Watch the entire C-SPAN Constitution video (0:18:00 minutes).  Create a post for our class discussion and explain to your classmates and professor, in your view, which ONE of the three branches of the U.S. government is the most powerful and why?Guidelines for your post and replies:Use specific examples from this video (timestamp of the...
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1) You need to teach a student to tie her shoelaces.  Describe how you would program for generalization  2) Provide 1 example of stimulus generalization, related to one of your learner's and one example not related to a learner3) Provide 1 example of response generalization, related to one of your learner's and one example not related to a learner
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