The Crimean War

Write about Crimean War. First a small introduction on what happened then answer questions belowWhich are the causes behind.?Which were the consequences of...for..?Give an example of a condition today and explain how it is related to theAll of the questions should be answered through different perspectives- individual-structural, idealistic-materialistic or one side of a conflict versus the other...
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The increased use of unlicensed assistive personnel presents both opportunities and challenges for the American health care system. The nurse manager has to deal with the challenge that unlicensed assistive personnel only be used to provide personal care needs or nursing tasks that do not require the skill and judgment of the RN.1. The nurse manager reviews the national effort to define the scope...
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group project

* Can you please add to the group project work sheet by wed so then i can submit that and then I can submit the powerpoint slides after. ** thank you one group member has already added to the worksheet they she picked fromclick on the People link on the main menu to collaborate immediately with group members to identify roles to support successful completion of the Group Project which is due week...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

ASSIGNMENT #1Weight: maximum 8% of final course gradeDeadline: Friday January 31st, 11:59 p.m. ET  Technology as a Subversive Force: The Case of Canadas Innu PeopleRudi Volti states that (w)hile technological development has been the primary source of economic advance, it has not been cost-free (p.21). That is, technology delivers benefits, but it also exacts costs. It does things, but it...
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Hot Coffee Documentary

For this assignment you will be writing an opinion paper that outlines your educated opinion of the documentary Hot Coffee.  Although you will not be graded on your opinion of documentary, you will however be graded on how well you have developed your opinion by using outside sources.  These sources should help you to see all aspects of the issues discussed in the movie.  Keep in...
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Historical Background of Protestantism

So, I have made the Research Paper Draft but the professor is asking for one more page. Here's an important message from The Professor: There is one part of the argument that is missing and it's important. You lay out some crucial aspects of Luther's theology/anthropology: His emphasis on sin, his belief in the devil, and the notion of the absolute divide between our (sinful) bodies and our...
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Business finance

Taking the organisation you currently work for, or another organisation which you are familiar with, what do you think is the prime objective of the management of that organisation?Do you think this is wholly appropriate, or should more consideration be given to a wider range of stakeholders?The learning outcome for this forum is:Critically analyse the role of finance in modern businessGuidelines...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

his week you will utilize your understanding of critical thinking and the scientific method to test proverbs. For this assignment, you need to:identify the theory that underlies the proverb or rule of thumb, andgenerate a testable hypothesis, and suggest a possible strategy (descriptive, correlational, or experimental) to test the hypothesis. You need to fully explain your research strategy. If...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion MAIN POST After reading the Chiao & Blizinsky (2013) article, what were your main takeaways? How would you describe the field of cultural neuroscience? Please find another scholarly source that addresses this topic and share what you found with the class. RonS RESPOND TO THE MAIN POST Manage Discussion Entry       Chiao and Blizinsky (2013) advance that cultural...
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Select one and write one page introduction

Introduction to security protocols that will help reduce the risk of a security incident we are going to study security incidents.Select a recent security incident that had their data stolen by an outside attack, insider threat, or some other mechanism.  There are multiple examples that can be used, i.e., Target, Capital One, Home Depot,...
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