Alexander the Great

Essential Question: How Great was Alexander?Alexander the Great wasand still isa powerful symbol of power, military genius, and conquest whether or not this description of him is historically accurate. His image, name, and legendary power remained resonantand politically visiblelong after his death.You will write persuasively to address the validity of this claim. Take notes throughout this...
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UNIT 3 IP  Topic: Culture and Spirituality in AgingDeliverable Length: 57 pages excluding cover page, abstract page, and reference pageDiscuss the various impacts of the multicultural environment on residents in a long-term care facility, including the following: Implications in meeting physical needs Meeting religious and spiritual needs Pros and cons of implementing a multicultural...
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Industry Anaylsis

it a continuation of my last order, just add in a page about how social media (housing rental websites or apps) take place in the rental market of houses, apartments, and etc. The effect of social media have on the long-term rental market and the size of it in the industry.Use at least one reference from a reliable source, no Wikipedia. Annotated the source using 30-50 words for each. Explain why...
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research rhetorically

Mod. 1 | Researching Rhetorically Post #1: Opinion (Discussion)8 8 unread replies. 8 8 replies.This discussion board is the first in a series of discussions that you will complete that count as part of your first project grade. Each discussion board will build on the previous one. STEP 1: Find an opinion article or persuasive source that is relevant to/about the movement or organization that you...
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UNIT 2 IP  Topic: Aging ProcessDeliverable Length:  2-3 pages excluding cover page, abstract page, and reference pageThe term quality is subjective. What one person expects may not be expected by another. Your perceptions of quality are oftentimes based on your upbringing, cultural differences, experiences, and even your surroundings. Elaborate on the concept of quality in health care,...
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 UNIT 1IP Topic: Health Care Management PracticesDeliverable Length:   5-7 pages excluding cover page, abstract page, and reference pageThe most effective impact of investment in health care will come from effective management and policy. From this position, discuss the following: Discuss the evolution of the U.S. health care system and how both the development of policy and...
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Introduction to data mining

 1) The rule-based classification can be used to refer to any classification scheme that make use of IF-THEN rules for class prediction. Discuss the rule-based classification schemes and what is Rule Pruning in data mining?2) Bayesian classification is based on Bayes' Theorem. Bayesian classifiers are the statistical classifiers. Discuss what is Bayesian classification in data mining? How do...
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Short Essay Due 1.24.2020

 After watching the videos and reading the news articles, what are the common elements/circumstances that often precede a landslide/mudslide?  According to your textbook, what are some other possible causes?  Are landslides/mudslides natural phenomena, are they human-induced, or both?  What can humans do to decrease the risks of landslides/mudslides destroying human life and...
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Industy analysist of social media effect on long-term rent

read the file, and add in a page about how social media (housing rental websites or apps) take place in the rental market of houses, apartments, and etc. The effect of social media have on the long-term rental market and the size of it in the industry.Use at least one reference from a reliable source, no Wikipedia. Annotated the source using 30-50 words for each. Explain why you choose the...
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I need 300 words for each assignment with each individual reference. No plagiarisms please.DISCUSSIION 1Assignment DetailsReview the Terminal Course Objectives, accessed by clicking on the Course Information" tab at the top of your screen, scrolling down to the "Course Objectives," and then selecting "View class objectives." Answer the following: How will accomplishing these objectives support...
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