Unit 6 discussion

In this unit lesson, we discuss the concept of controlling ergonomic risk exposure with proper hand tool design. Hand tools are basically an extension of the hand, and if you look at most people's hands, you will find a mobile phone. What do you think is the most important change one can make to minimize the ergonomic risks of cell phone usage?
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PowerPoint Presentation

Unit VI PowerPoint PresentationInstructionsThis assignment is designed to provide an opportunity to apply the concepts presented in the Unit VI Lesson regarding controlling ergonomic risks factors with proper tool design. Specifically, you will be evaluating a work task to identify specific control measures that can be implemented to address tool design.Click here to access the video. Please note...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose an industrial company (not a financial institution or an insurance company) whose stock trades on the NYSE, the AMEX, or the OTC for which you can obtain the most recent Annual Report (2018s or 2017s if 2018s is not available).  The annual reports of most of publicly traded companies are available online on the companys website.  You can get the report by calling the companys...
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Lighting and camera

Use easy words!!!and like a students! mark the website!Technology Paper White Paper #1    30 points  (individual assignment) In this assignment you will research one of the following topics and explain, in your own words, what it means, how this might affect a production, and why you would or would not choose this technology for a production.  This paper is meant to be a...
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PSY331DiscussionsWeek 5 – Discussion 2

 Prior to engaging in this discussion, please read Chapter 8: Owning Our Learning Experiences in your e-book and review the Instructor Guidance. Metacognition is the ability to be aware of and regulate ones thought processes. It is suggested to be a process that improves our ability to effectively process information. Consider the benefits of being more aware of your own learning needs and...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Email-essay scenario: Impressed with your work from last week, your boss has tasked you with leading the data science team effort for this project. Your first task is to make a plan for data gathering and collection. Your boss wants you to determine what data is necessary to answer the business questions and achieve the project's objective. Your boss has asked you to send a proposed plan as an...
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Trifles play

Choose two of the following prompts:What is the advantage of not seeing or hearing from Mr. and Mrs. Wright?Describe how the setting establishes the atmosphere for the play.Where are Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters while Mr. Hale explains how the murder was discovered? What does the women's location convey about the relationship between the men and the women?What kind of woman was Minnie Foster before...
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Professionalism in nursing

The paper needs to be 5 pages including a cover page and a reference page.  I am a first semester nursing student and got an unsatisfactory for having my hair touching my neck instead of in a bun.  If you could include professionalism about proper grooming and uniform that would be great.  You could include good examples of professionalism versus bad examples in the nursing...
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article outline

 Re-create an outline of the article provided for this week's assignment.  What guideline/outline would the authors of this article have created before they started to write the article.  Your outline of this article would include the various sections of the paper such as an abstract, keywords, introduction etc. as well as subheadings and any figures/tables which were...
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