Foundations Of Social And Behavioral Sciences Theory

   Culture, (Post)modernity, and Geography 1. Discussion Question: In your opinion, in which aspects of society and culture has/is modernism most prevalent?2. Reading Reflection: Solid ONE-page reflection paper about your thoughts on the reading. This could include a brief summary and your opinion. There are not many guidelines or format (e.g., APA, MLS style) for these weekly...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your post will be the first draft of your Literacy Narrative. You have been reading literacy narratives (Rodriguez, hooks) and reading about literacy narratives (Soliday). Now, it's your turn to write a literacy narrative. Choose a specific literacy event that shaped you in some way. It might not have taught you something about reading and writing; it could have taught you something else about...
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Write a 2-3 page essay on the health of our democracy using your *digital artifact, your peers' artifacts, and readings(uploaded). (*Digital artifact=some political cartoons which uploaded)Essay is due on Friday at  10AM. There is a grading criteria, please follow the rubric.(uploaded)PromptWhat is a democracy? Describe 2-3 qualities of a healthy democracy. And, assess the health of our...
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job assisnemt and social work

In this assignment you will use career and job search websites to research the field of social work. You will look in general at the field of social work and then zero in on specific areas and job titles of potential future jobs in which you might be interested. You are to find at least 3 real jobs you would be qualified for when you earn your BA degree and 3 more if/when you earn a MA...
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Obviously, everybody has different skill sets. The goal of this lesson is not to become an Olympic volleyball player. Instead, it is to learn/improve some basic volleyball skills. For this assessment, you should experiment with your passing, serving, and setting. (Perhaps the local YMCA has pick-up volleyball games in which you could participate.)After you have practiced each of these three...
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work statement /experience

 two examples of your work from within the last three (3) years (e.g. executive summary of a written report, slide presentation, memo, or other short no more than three pages written communications piece) My experience :  full time student , Ashford University BA in Organizational Management  Floral experience /employment  :    Water outside Scan out older...
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Reply to discussions

reply to the below discussions with 250 words1)   Information Technology (IT) infrastructure is identified as a composition of software, hardware, network services and resources, and data centers (Vacca, 2013). IT infrastructure are important when it comes to the operation, existance, and management of enterprise information technology environment. It is understood that the weakest link in...
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Theory Portfolio 1

Guidelines:Summarize the particular content based on the provided template, but below are some basic areas that should be addressed if applicable:1.    Basic/key Principles and Assumptions2.    Strengths and Weaknesses of theoretical perspective 3.    Application to criminal justice or crime-reduction policy Formatting:Each page should be single space/...
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