Week 4 Projects
Using the product, service, or business idea that you developed in the your business plan from the W3 Assignment, evaluate the factors important in conducting a detailed marketing and customer analysis, including:
- Market potential
- Evidence of customer interest
- Relevant buying motives and customer requirements
- Present and potential competitors and overall competitive intensity
- Short- and long-term market influences
- Market changes presently taking place
- External regulations
- Market history and traditions
- Present and potential obstacles facing the market
- Market gaps to be filled
- Opportunities for partnerships with other firms in the industry
Evaluated the most viable market position for your new product, service, or business.
Submission Details:
- Submit your report in a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
- Name your document: SU_MBA6710_W4_LastName_FirstInitial