Three states of matter

Identify and discuss the three states of matter found in the material world.

Identify and discuss the characteristics of each of the three states of matter found in the material world.

Review Chapter 3 PowerPoint

Title Page: The title page should conform to APA style and format.  A title should summarize the main idea of the paper simply and, if possible, with style

Introduction. The introduction must be no more than two paragraphs and must define the topic. The introduction discusses the purpose and scope of your work.

Literature Review: A minimum of one (1) and a maximum of two (2) pages review of the literature. This is where you provide information about the topic. Do not editorialize, rationalize, or make judgments about the material. Just report (review) what you found in the literature.

Conclusion and/or Recommendation: The Conclusion and/or recommendation section should be a minimum of 1paragraph. The Conclusion and/or Recommendation section is where you use your thoughts and ideas on the subject explored, combined with what you have learned from your sources, to make a statement of conclusion and/or make recommendations.

Reference Page: The Reference Page should list all of the sources used to support your work.

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