Respond to each of the following essay questions with a minimum of 50 words or more. Remember to reference the chapter and/or page number.
1. In your own words, define the following terms
a. Moral
b. Immoral
c. Amoral
d. Nonmoral
e. Law
2. What is the difference between descriptive and normative (or prescriptive) ethics?
3. What is the difference between the consequentialist (teleological) and nonconsequentialist (deontological) views of morality?
4. Explain the difference between psychological egoism and ethical egoism:
a. What are the two forms of psychological egoism?
b. Explain individual and personal ethical egoism:
c. What do act utilitarians believe?
5. What, essentially, are nonconsequentialist (deontological) theories of morality? How do they differ from consequentialist (teleological) theories?
6. What does universalizability mean, and why is it important to Kants oral system?
7. What essentially is Virtue ethics and where did it originate?
8. How does Virtue Ethics differ from both consequentialist and nonconsequentialist theories of ethics?
9. Define and explain the terms:
a. Absolutism
b. Relativism
c. Proposition
d. Truth
e. Falsity
10. What are the basic principles of each of the ethical theories you gave studied? To what extent are the absolutistic or relativistic?
11. Define and explain the terms:
a. Determinism
b. Indeterminism
c. Fatalism
d. Universal Causation
e. Freedom
12. Describe and explain the relationship between reward and punishment and justice:
13. What are the four major ways of distributing good, and which of them do you think is or are the most fair and just (Chapter 7)?
14. Explain and analyze the five attributes (principles) that Thiroux (2012) says must be present in order for any moral system to be livable and workable:
a. Value of Life Principle
b. Principle Goodness
c. Principle of Justice
d. Principle of Honesty and Truth Telling
e. Principle of Individual Freedom
15. What does it mean for something to be logically and empirically prior to something else (Chapter 9)?
16. Describe the type of approach to moral problems taken in Humanitarian Ethics (Chapter 9)?
17. Define the following terms according to your text (Chapter 10); give examples
a. Allowing someone to die
b. Mercy Death
c. Mercy Killing
d. Brain Death
e. Ordinary and Extraordinary Means
18. What is the domino argument and how does it relate to the four moral issues described in Chapter 12; lying, cheating, breaking promises, and, stealing?
19. How can the five basic ethical principles (Discussed in Chapter 8) be applied to the areas of human sexuality? (The five principles of Value of Life, Goodness, Justice, Truth, and Freedom)
20. How do business ethics (Chapter 15) differ from bioethics and other specific ethical areas?