sociology of religion – judaism

You are required to conduct scholarly research on an approved topic , integrating your findings with course/textual concepts and personal experience, if applicable. Your written report will include and cite at least 5 sources (in addition to your textbook) within the body of your paper, which should be a minimum of 7 pages (single-spaced 2-lines between paragraphs) in length. Your sources must be...
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European Colonialism in the Americas

READ CAREFULY THE ATTATCHED FILED : European Colonialism. follow that guide . Watch the interview to Howard Zinn, and carefully read Zinns chapter on European colonialism, and Montejos poem. Take notes while you read, capturing Zinns main line of thinking from beginning to end: what is he arguing? What is his main message? What evidence does he present? How does he argue his case?Do not focus...
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Reading reflection

To complete this assignment, prepare a 2 page reading reflection based on all of the readings assigned for the day of the original assignment.1 page summarizing the readings for the day (must include all readings assigned for that day) and about 1 page describing your reflections on the readings.You will need to use ASA style and include parenthetical citations. Since this is just a reflection...
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