Benchmark – Grant Proposal Budget, Budget Narrative and Final Executive Summary

There are three parts to this assignment.Part 1: Complete the attached Grant Proposal Budget   Detail Planner Worksheet.Part 2: Complete a Budget Narrative. See attachment   for detailedinstructions. The budget narrative is written last.   It is a detailed written explanation for all the proposed expenses   detailed on the Budget Detail Planner Worksheet....
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Criminal justice

Write a  brief discussion  about  :When  a victim reports to the authorities that they have been involved in an abusive relationship,  the police always asked if they told anyone? How credibility would it be for a friend or neighbor to report  an incident if the victim was too afraid to  contact police?
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Quality Measurement by Health Care Professionals

 The purpose of this assignment is to discuss how an individuals role within a health care organization affects or influences the application of quality improvement and measurement tools.Quality improvement and measurement tools are utilized by a wide range of professionals within a health care organization and may be applied differently depending on the nature of the professionals work. The...
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Corrections and incarcerations

The unique needs of each individual offender means that a one size fits all approach to sanctions does not work for offenders. As a result, a range of punishments has been developed to address the various needs of different offenders.In your initial response, discuss the role of intermediate sanctions as a punishment alternative within corrections. Begin your response by defining the concept of...
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this is a literature review paper

In last week's Individual Project you selected 1 of the 2 topics that you surmised were critical issues in the modern criminal justice system. The topics were to come from issues, problems, and policies in law enforcement, corrections, or the court system. Consider that you are working toward a final capstone project position paper, and research and analyze your second topic. Tip: If your second...
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case study

 Unit I Case StudyFor this assignment, you will explore the concept of stare decisis and whether it is an inexorable command. Click the link to access , and write a case study that answers, at a minimum, the questions listed below. What does the court mean when it says "Stare decisis is not an inexorable command; rather it is a principle of policy and not a mechanical formula of...
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When comparing the Classical School and the Positivist School, which do you think has a stronger foundation in explaining criminal behavior? In other words, do you believe that people freely choose to engage in crime (Classical School), or do you believe that criminal behavior is largely predetermined, e.g., from biological traits (Positivist School)? Why?
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Equal Protection Under the Law In 300-words or more, discuss whether or not the statute is constitutional.

Each of the  following scenarios involves governmental classifications based upon  gender.  Choose any two of the following scenarios.  In 300-words or  more, discuss whether or not the statute is constitutional. To get full credit you will need to:  Provide an example of researched, recent case law.Scenarios:Scenarios: Gender-based death benefits, alimony...
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Deviant Behaviors

Research one criminal case within the last three years in which authorities found the defendant to be engaging in deviant behavior. As you research this case, investigate the manner in which social controls may have helped or hurt the defendant.  Write a 3- to 5-page paper in which you address the following thoroughly. Cite specifics from the case wherever possible to support your...
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Top Selection Refinement

Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Tuesday (11:59:59pm Central).On April 23, 2008, the United States Supreme Court, without dissent, determined in the case of Virginia v. Moore that despite unprofessional conduct on the part of the police, there was no violation of Mr. Moores civil rights when the police profiled him because they knew that...
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