Social Issues and the Workplace

  Choose a social issue affecting the workplace and working environment, and develop a paper that thoroughly discusses the issue from both the workplace and societal viewpoints. Be sure to include the positive and negative aspects of the issue in relation to the workplace, society, and workers, especially the unique worker groups who may be most affected (e.g., women, immigrants, LGBTQ...
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frauds and corporate scandals similar

  With all of the recent frauds and corporate scandals similar to Merck, AIG, Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and ImClone you have heard. Your supervisor has asked you to research news sites and read articles on the potential legal and ethical issues related to data analysis organizations have gone through in the recent past. After reading these sites, you have become interested on researching...
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MT445 Unit-2 Assignment

  1. Explain what would happen to equilibrium price and quantity in the market for Pepsi if the following occurred (be sure to indicate WHY it happens as well): a. The price of Coke decreases. b. Average household income falls from $50,000 to $43,000 c. There are improvements in soft-drink bottling technology. d. The price of sugar increases and the Pepsi launches an extremely...
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Downhill Boards

  Downhill Boards (DB), a producer of snow boards, is evaluating a new process for applying the finish to its snow boards. Downhill Boards currently incurs a fixed annual cost of $125,000 and has a variable cost of $0.90 per unit. Annual demand for the snow boards is 160,000. Fast Finish, Inc. (FFI) has made a technological breakthrough in snow board finish application. FFI will apply...
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Select American FactFinder from the toolbar

  ii) Visit Claritas using this link: Select Free Report from the right hand toolbar. Enter your zip code (or a zip code of your choice). What do you learn about the area you live in? iv) Then, go to and perform the same exercise. Select American FactFinder from the toolbar on the left. Type the zip code in the box provided and select Go. v) Write a 750-1,000 word paper in APA...
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Bussiness management (IT)Set-5-MCQ

  1. Companies use information systems to support their various business processes and activities for internal operations, which does NOT include: A. manufacturing. B. interaction with suppliers. C. human resource management. D. order processing.  2, __________ refers to systems for providing effective and efficient communication with the customer from the entire organization. A....
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BUS3101-W5 A2 Case Study

  Control theory originated with the goal of managing small, mechanical operations (such as the thermostat example in your lecture) but it has since been applied in broader contexts. For this assignment, select a service operation (a bank, hospital, auditing company, financial consulting, etc.) and apply control theory to a particular process within the business. Explain how the...
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BUS 3041-Week 6 Assignment 2 Final

  Write a comprehensive analysis of the case study method and the issues you analyzed. How did you address the managerial communication issues you learned over the past 5 weeks? What do you think are the most difficult communication situations that managers face, and how will your skills be useful in handling them? What skills do you need to develop to improve your managerial...
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BUS 250 Week-5 – Mattel and Toy Safety case – Copy

  BUS 250 WEEK 5 RESEARCH PAPER  - Final Case Analysis PaperThe Final Case Analysis Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading as well as the implications of new knowledge.  The eight-page paper should integrate readings and class discussions into work and life experiences.  It may include explanation and examples from previous experiences as well as...
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