470 exam1

 PICK A PRODUCT OR PRODUCT CATEGORY ON EUROMONITOR AND WRITE A 600 WORD REPORT ON CONSUMER TRENDS FOR THAT PRODUCT OR PRODUCT CATEGORY USING DATA FROM FIVE COUNTRIES. (The countries should be from different regions and have different levels of economic development) THE REPORT SHOULD INDICATE: o What the overriding trends are for the product; o In what type of country is the product doing...
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Target Market

MUST BE 500-600 WORDS;APA FORMATCreate and submit a 12 page memo (excluding cover and reference pages) that fully explains (details and specifics) the market segmenting process (all four segmenting areas) and chosen target market (out of the four segmenting areas) for MMs new product including an in-depth discussion of the four different segmenting characteristics and detailed description of your...
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Marketing Exercise

This exercise is designed to illustrate the numerous and diverse opportunities that companies/brands have to build awareness and brand equity with current and potential consumers by using audience contact points to reach their target market.Each of these audience/consumer contact points is an opportunity for marketing communications, and to assure that these communications are integrated, thereby...
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Mobilogics inc.

     This case involves you, as a salesperson representing MobiLogics (a leading provider of large-scale, multi location technology hardware and software solutions), and Gage Waits, Director of IT for HSK, PC (a prominent Dallas-based national law firm specializing in corporate litigation). HSK is in the planning stages for a move to larger facilities across town. As part...
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General Psychology part II

Hello everyone, I have an Assignment for you today. This assignment must be DONE by Friday, January 31, 2020, no later than 10 pm. By the way, I need this assignment to be PLAGIARISM FREE & a Spell Check when completed. Make sure you READ the instructions CAREFULLY. Now without further ado, the instructions to the assignments are below:InstructionsFor this assignment, you will begin by...
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Data Visualization Critique

You will be responsible for posting to the Canvas Discussion Board example of data visualization being used in the wild. This can come from a news source, social media, think tank report, YouTube commercial, academic article, or virtually any other source that has some relevance to your life. Your assignment is to post a link to the source and critically reflect on the visualization using some...
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quantitative and qualitative research Due in 8 hrs

MUST BE 600 WORDS APA FORMAT Now that you have evaluated the marketing environment and established some marketing goals for MM, it is time to get started with the new product plan. The first step is to research the mobile phone market. Without knowing who is buying phones in certain market segments, Michelle wont know how to market MMs new product. She needs your help to determine who the...
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Marketing Plan

Virtual reality (V/R) suit with a helmet that acts like a super karaoke machine that triggers all five of your senses so that you can experience any recorded concert in history.Geographic location to market to CA, NV, and AZAdvertising Plan (Mandatory) in addition to your Marketing Plan PresentationCreate an accurately estimated working budget that will utilize the provided $2 million in funds...
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Marketing Management

 After reviewing Chapter 4 from the textbook, post a 500-word synopsis of your understanding of the marketing concepts. In your posting, include questions about any marketing concepts that are unclear.This initial posting should be completed by Thursday at 11:55 p.m.By Sunday at 11:55 p.m., post a meaningful comment (150 words) to...
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