Final Assignment
Select any article of your choice specifically from MIT Sloan Management Review, HBR, Academy of Management Perspective. You are required to critic the article.
The components are given below:
– Summarize the article and provide name of the author(s), titile, year, & volume.
– Identify the strengths & weaknesses of the article. (summary & Strengths & weakness = 1point)
Critical components are: Provide justification for each point!!
1. Is the title of article appropriate & clear _ (1 point)
2. Is the abstract specific? Representative of the article & in correct form? – 1 point
3. Is the purpose made clear in the introduction? – 1 point
4. Do you find any errors of fact & interpretation? – 1 point
5. Is all the discussion relevant? – 1point
6. Have any ideas been overemphasized/underemphasized? suggest specific reasons -1point
7. Are author’s statement clear? Challenge any ambiguous statement – 1 point
8. What underlying assumptions does the author have – 1point
9. Has the author been objective in his/her discussion? – 1point
10. Are the experimental methods described adequately? (if applies) – 1point
11. Are the study design & methods appropriate for the purposes of the study? – 1point
12. Do you find any content repeated or duplicated? – 1point
13. Are the statistical method appropriate? Did author provide any implications? – 1point
Recommendations & conclusion – 1point
The rubric for the final assignment are: ( Clarity, Accuracy, Proper Labeling, Logical reasoning)
Thought of clarifying about 10th & 13th requirement in the final assignment:
for 10th requirement
The expectation was “Are the experimental methods described adequately? (if applies)”. For your better understanding, I am rewriting the question – “Are there any appropriate methods (e.g., research methods, analysis methods) that have been used in the article or is it evidence based?”Hope this question is clear & specific.
Similarly, for 13th requirement:
Just indicate whether the article provide any implications or not.