Any topic (writer’s choice)

In 400-500 words (include word count) you will thoroughly answer one of the discussion prompts provided for the week. In order to gain full points for your post, you need to:Cite specific examples or quotes from at least 3 different readings from the week; include appropriate in-text citations (author last name and page number/timestamp)Cite specific examples or quotes from at least 1 lecture...
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Bartolome de las Casas, a Spanish friar who some feel earned the title Defender of the Indians. The question is How should we view the legacy of de las Casas and the Catholic Church?

I just need an outline done for an essay. I attached the outline format. The outline must be based of a chart I have completed which is also attached.The question being answered is Attached will be the sources you need to answer the essay question. You must use the chart and the same evidence in the essay. I need an outline and an essay done.  The question is How should we view the legacy of...
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