Any topic (writer’s choice)

Using CURRENT criminal justice research in the USA from the last3 years and CURRENT EVENTS in the USA within the LAST YEAR,please connect to class lecture and the assigned reading in the text bydeveloping an informed opinion on ONE of the following topics or questions:   1.    Is the Baltimore City Gun Trace Task Force an example of police corruption only or is it a microcosm of a...
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Chapter 7 & 8 Reflection

JUST NEED TO ANSWER QUESTIONS IN PARAGRAPH FORM.During the Great Depression, some deaf groups sought to distinguish themselves from those they considered the truly disabled (136). Why do think deaf groups would try to distance themselves from other disabled people? Are there any recent examples of people distancing themselves from others with disabilities?This chapter describes Franklin D....
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Chapter 5 & 6 Reflection

JUST NEED TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS IN PARAGRAPH FORM This chapter describes the development of the disabled veterans pension system. Whom did the system exclude and why? How did the treatment of disabled people differ according to their social class?What was the supposed purpose of the ugly laws? Were their actual effects different? Why do you think these laws came to be called ugly?This chapter...
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Chapter 3 Reflection

JUST HAVE  A REFLECTION ANSWERING THESE QUESTIONS How did disability complicate the notion of slaves as property?What does the account of the slave ship Le Rodeur reveal about the dehumanization of slaves? How did slave owners valueand devalueslaves?Did the idea of disability as the inability to perform labor apply to slaves? Why? How did stereotypes of disabled people converge...
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Chapter 2 Questions

Answering these question in paragraph format. How did Native Americans view disability? What did it mean to European to be able bodied how did they view communal response to disability?  How did Europeans concepts of disability differ from Native Americans? How did their respective cultures shape their views?Introduces the idea that disability is the inability to perform manual labor. Is...
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Gun Violence in NY

Presentation skills are important for crime analysts jobs. This presentation is intended to help students develop skills in presenting their work to an academic and policy audience and to train them in putting together materials in a comprehensive and succinct way. The presentations will give other students the opportunity to learn about research on specific crimes in neighborhoods. PLEASE USE...
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History World Perspectives

The primary sources to assignment week primary sources to assignment week 7 (mistakenly titled assignment 5) paragraphs for each question. No double spaces. No references needed for all three assignments.
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Minors and the Internet

I am in need of a ten-page essay on 'Minors and the internet' from a legal perspective, specifically in Greece. There are no specific instructions except from the fact that case studies should also be included. I was also thinking: the current applicable law in regards to minors, the challenges and the risks? I'm a computer science student and I literally have no idea how to approach this. Thanks...
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Eurozone macroeconomic situation

Section 1. Eurozone macroeconomicsituation- Include charts with the following indicatorsduring 2010-2020:- Total Real GDP- Real GDP growth rate- Inflation rate- Unemployment rate- Trade Balance (Exports - Imports)Section 2. Effect of the covid crisis onthe Eurozone economy- Analyzing the previous indicators, explain how the crisis has affected the Eurozone economies. Section 3. Eurozone...
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