“The Sculptor’s Funeral” Discussion Questions

Need help answering 1. Why does Jim not attend Harvey's funeral? (50 to 100 words)2. What aspect of Jim's appearance seems odd to Henry? (50-100 words)3. What do the townsmen say about Harvey's aptitude at farm work? (50-100 words)4. Do the townspeople share the same attitudes as the general/typical American described in the historical background that you read in the prelude of the second book,...
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Response/Reaction paper

Read attached article carefully, and then write an essay in response to the question below. Be sure that your essay reacts to the ideas and/or evidence presented in the article, but remember that you are explaining your own point of view, not the authors.Question:Do you think people should continue to wear masks on planes after the pandemic?Your essay should:Support a clear thesis statementBe...
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Desires baby and racism

1. Identify key ideas, representative authors and works, significant historical or cultural events, and characteristic perspectives or attitudes expressed in the literature of different periods or regions.2. Analyze literary works as expressions of individual or communal values within the social, political, cultural, or religious contexts of different literary periods.3. Demonstrate knowledge of...
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Complete an Intervention Planning Worksheet on African American Child Obesity

1. My research topic is African American Child Obesity. Complete a lab 3 Intervention Planning worksheet for the research African American Child Obesity.    --Lab 3 worksheet.docx2. All knowledge about finishing the Intervention Planning worksheet:    --Lab 3 Class    --Lab 3 Grading Rubric    --Lab 3 worksheet_group practice example (you can directly use...
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patient confidentiality

Here's a question: why is patient autonomy so important? It might seem "obvious," but you might want to make that explicit (something about rights to possession of self) as the source of confidentiality (maintaining the right to self). Here's my other big question as the opposing point of view: where is it? Does any respected medical or societal body NOT think that patient autonomy and patient...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. The album centers around Beyonc's relationship with husband Shawn Carter, but professionally known as Jay-Z. Beyonc depicts her and Jay-Z's marriage after Jay-Z was found to be a serial adulterer. Themes of love, heartbreak, and how women are perceived in these times. The album seems to have a narrative and an almost character arch. We can see the difference in Beyonc's tone and overall mood...
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M1D1: Who are you really?

Reading material: influences are responsible for shaping our personalities, and in this discussion you will consider your own thoughts about what are important factors in this process.To introduce personality, you'll watch a TED Talk video and discuss your thoughts and ideas in a graded discussion activity. This process should help you think about and explore the meaningfulness of the course...
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research essay

my final research essay has to be a transnational feminist analysis of sex work and tourism in Dubai. I uploaded 5 sources that you should use to analyze the sex industry and analyze how ex-pat women are usually the face of the sex industry while local Emariti women are represented as too "prestigious" to be sexualized. this shouldn't be a critic of Dubai but a case study using Dubai as a cite. I...
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Kidney Stones/Gallstones

Kidney Stones/GallstonesKidney stones and Gallstones is one of the most common causes of emergency room admissions for abdominal pain. List the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of one of these painful conditions.(Minimum length of paper 500 words.)  Papers need to be referenced and follow APA formatting guidelines (see link in course).Please submit attachment in either a .doc or...
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