***PLEASE READ ALL OF THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY*****we have focused on arguments and evidence. As a result, logic has been at the center of our studies, and we have practiced being skeptical, in the best sense of the word. We have studied induction and deduction, fallacies and rhetorical strategies, and the three kinds of appealsrational, ethical, and emotional. We have analyzed both form and...
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Before you suffocate, your own fool self

Background: When talking about this short story anthology, author Danielle Evans says,I think readers will notice how present the pastis in the book, says Evans. Again and again, characters find that they can never fully escape their histories.Write a 4-5 page essay in which you show how Evans uses character, plot, diction, OR metaphor to communicates the theme of people not being able to escape...
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Before you suffocate, your own fool self

Background: When talking about this short story anthology, author Danielle Evans says,I think readers will notice how present the pastis in the book, says Evans. Again and again, characters find that they can never fully escape their histories.Write a 4-5 page essay in which you show how Evans uses character, plot, diction, OR metaphor to communicates the theme of people not being able to escape...
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HYPOKINETIC DISEASE TERM PAPERSelect 2 family members and complete a family history interview/assessment. Before you start interviewing come up with open minded family focused questions some areas that you will explore in this health history will be nutrition/ dietary practices, smoking/drinking illegal and prescription drug use, sleep rest patterns elimination schedule (daily, week, etc)...
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HYPOKINETIC DISEASE TERM PAPERSelect 2 family members and complete a family history interview/assessment. Before you start interviewing come up with open minded family focused questions some areas that you will explore in this health history will be nutrition/ dietary practices, smoking/drinking illegal and prescription drug use, sleep rest patterns elimination schedule (daily, week, etc)...
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Manuscript disease analysis

Primary manuscript analysis assignment: each student will be required to select a primary article studying a signal transduction pathway from a top-tier journal and provide an in-depth analysis of the article. analysis must include the following components:1. The complete article reference (Authors, Journal, Volume, Page numbers)2. A two paragraph description providing the issue being addressed...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Project 2 - Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis TestsOverviewThis project focuses on material from Chapters 7 and 8. (Chapter 9 will be included in the next project.)You will be submitting both an Excel sheet and a Word document/PDF for this project. The details for both are outlined below. Make sure you look at the feedback from the last project before starting this one! You MUST use the Excel...
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Criminal Justice

1. Please brief the videos and news articles as to the context. Explain the message that the videos are conveying to the general public (This means writing a synopsis as to what information the public is getting from the video).2. What Happened, Who is Mr. Holloway, how did the media portray him? How did they portray Officer Escobar? How did this video make the Orlando Police Department look in...
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Civil Liberties

Go to the web site of the American Civil Liberties Union ........ Under your issue, select one and only one of the "current issues" and expand it using the "More +" button. For example, under the first issue, Capital Punishment, the "current issues" are:Execution MethodsInnocence and the Death PenaltyMental Illness and the Death PenaltyProsecutorial Misconduct and Capital PunishmentRacial...
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