
 I need a 500 word Journal entry on the topic below.Reflection Assignment: Organizational Vision and Extending Influence  Write a 500 word substantive journal entry describing the  analytical view. 
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Microtheme #4:After you have viewed the lectures and have watched Jules and Jim complete Microtheme #4.When answering the essay's posed topic, it is important to make sure your answer is as specific as possible, as generalities and vagueness do not demonstrate to the instructor that you paid attention and fully comprehended the presented subject matter. A direct correlation will be drawn from the...
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Engish III Compostion

Prompt:  Choose a poem from the assigned readings, which are listed in the Syllabus and found in our course eBook. Title your discussion response with the poems title. This will help other students see which poems have already been discussed. Once a poem has been discussed twice, please do not choose it for analysis. Review all of the thread starters including the closed list before...
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Fashion Merchandising 2 Assignments - The Licensing Business has exploded in the last 10 years, "Everyone is doing it"  WHY? - The Almighty $$ of course! But licensing does not come without costs to the brand. Post your substantiated opinion on "The business of Licensing". Use examples of Brands and their ability or inability to run this type of business. Make sure your research is cited or...
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Philosophy Paper About Any Controversial Topic (Euthanasia, Capital Punishment, Abortion, Genetical Engineering, Etc.)

Purpose: persuade the reader. Pick a topic and logically defend it. Title: Why *topic* is ethical/unethical  , Why *topic* should be legal/illegalPresent reasons, examples, distinctions and principles in your reasoning. Answer the question being asked in the title.(Why *topic* is ethical/unethical) Organize paper: 8 pages double spaced 12pt Times New Roman font MLA formatMake an...
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Discussion 7

Initial PostWhy do we need to understand data visualisations? There is more and more data around us, and data are increasingly used in decision-making, journalism, and to make sense of the world. One of the main ways that people get access to data is through visualisations, but lots of people feel like they dont have the skills and knowledge to make sense of visualisations. This can mean that...
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Com 101 Email

Revise the two (2) emails below to remove problematic content and help these students construct polite, effective email messages instead.Scenario 1:Susan is unhappy with her grade in her college class. She wants to clarify what she can do to improve in the course. She also feels like venting her frustrations to her professor due to the many hours she is spending studying and writing papers (which...
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Individual Project

ToolsCorp Corporation is a fictitious company that does not exist anywhere. For the purpose of this course, it is located in Tennessee. As members of the senior management team of ToolsCorp Corporation, your group has been asked to prepare a neat and organized report for the Strategic Officers Steering Committee (SOS-C) of ToolsCorp Corporation. The purpose of this paper is to obtain...
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Nursing Theory

***Discussion Question (3 Points):Based on your readings, compare and contrast (view any similarities or differences between) the theories of Dr. Marth Rogers and Dr. Rosemarie Rizzo Parses theories. Which one would you prefer for your nursing practice and why?250-300 words APA style 6th edition turnitin assignment 
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Winning Court Testimony For Law Enforcement Officers

YOU MUST HAVE A COPY OF Winning Court Testimony for Law Enforcement Officers.  I CANNOT LOCATE A PDF ONLINE. Read a chapter of your choosing of Winning Court Testimony for Law Enforcement Officers by Medina, Matthew. Then write a paragraph for each prompt below. 1) If I had to narrow 2-3 takeaways from a police cadets perspective, as advice to other law enforcement officers based on this...
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