Writing Journal

Please reflect, in writing, on the following two-part prompt. Make sure that your finished reflection is at least 300 words long to ensure that you receive full credit:What is the purpose, in your opinion, of personal writing? Why would a Remembered Event  or personal narrative essay be assigned as part of a college writing course? These are questions I was asked by students the very first...
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A Paragraph On Basic Components Of A Business Network

Choose one of the types of participants in basic components of a business network, and explain how you think the chosen participant type could effectively use assets in an enterprise blockchain environment to impact the organizations outcomes.Then think of three questions youd like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from subject. Youre not...
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Bully on the Web

SEE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS FOR FULL DETAILS!Prepare a 3-page analysis in outline form. In your analysis, discuss the appropriate stakeholders in the case, distinguish the stakeholder interests and responsibilities in the case, and deduce the ethical recommendations to the business based on interests and responsibilities of stakeholders using examples from the case.Introduction    Who...
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Project Week 1

 I have attached a worksheet to use. Before you start on this week's part of the project, you learn more facts about the negotiation of this contract:Bob decides that he wants the toys and calls you to set up a meeting  to discuss the price and to examine the collection of toys to make sure  they are in excellent shape.On October 4th, you meet at a local restaurant whereupon...
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Select And Research A Group

 Your course project is to develop an Anti-Bias Action Plan. For this part of the project, you will select and research a diverse group in your community that has experienced inequality, bias, or discrimination in the past. You will then gather background information about the group, and then submit a report of your findings.Step 1: Select and research a diverse group in your community that...
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Discussion 2

Does not have to be in a paper form not header or page numbers just phargraphs. In contracts, voidable is a term typically used with respect to a  contract that is valid and binding unless avoided or declared void by a  party to the contract who is legitimately exercising a power to avoid  the contractual obligations.A contract may be voidable on the grounds of: Fraud...
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Field Trip

 A field trip is an excellent way to apply learning objectives within the community. These experiences allow students to see how their classroom learning applies to the world around them. While a field trip can be beneficial to student learning, it does require thoughtful consideration.For this assignment, you will plan a field trip that would allow students to apply content knowledge...
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Information Technology Paper

   Please answer the following questions in a 2-page main body APA formatted document. Please make sure that there is a title and reference page. All references listed need to be cited in the document.  1. Please make sure that you address the type of study and why you think this was used in this paper.?2.How is this paper related to the topics in this course?3.Do you agree...
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