
This is the fourth (of five) Critical Thinking Posts for the course. It must be posted on Canvas by 8pm on Tuesday, January 14th, 2020.Remember, this is an opportunity for you to take a position on a media and culture issue using your informed opinion by the theory and concepts you are learning about in this course.Your answer must be a balance between what you think with what...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

This paper is to be 5-7 pages, 10 maximum. This paper should be typed, double spaced, using 12 point font and in APA style. Spelling, grammar and writing style count heavily in the grading and therefore special attention should be made in completing your work.Developmental and Environmental InfluencesThis assignment is intended to allow you to address the impact of various issues related to human...
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

This paper is to be 5-7 pages, 10 maximum. This paper should be typed, double spaced, using 12 point font and in APA style. Spelling, grammar and writing style count heavily in the grading and therefore special attention should be made in completing your work.Developmental and Environmental InfluencesThis assignment is intended to allow you to address the impact of various issues related to human...
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Week 4 Discussion 2

Write a 300- to 500-word response to the following question(s):Describe the empirical methods of collecting data of lived experiences (Van Manen, 2014). Which specific activities should the researcher consider to his or her data collection approach? What specific actions are you considering for your research or personal endeavors?Do you have experience that answers the question? At different...
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Week 4 Discussion 2

Write a 300- to 500-word response to the following question(s):Describe the empirical methods of collecting data of lived experiences (Van Manen, 2014). Which specific activities should the researcher consider to his or her data collection approach? What specific actions are you considering for your research or personal endeavors?Do you have experience that answers the question? At different...
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Week 4 Discussion 1

Write a 300- to 500-word response to the following:Describe the role of bracketing and the importance of establishing validity in phenomenological inquiry (Vagle, 2018). How could the use of both of these activities impact data collection?Include your own experience as well as two citations that align with or contradict your comments as sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry...
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Week 4 Discussion 1

Write a 300- to 500-word response to the following:Describe the role of bracketing and the importance of establishing validity in phenomenological inquiry (Vagle, 2018). How could the use of both of these activities impact data collection?Include your own experience as well as two citations that align with or contradict your comments as sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, industry...
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Situational leadership style

Describe my personal leadership style and how it relates to my professional practices(K9 sergeant and gang coordinator at maximum security prison) Describe how you believe your leadership style contributes to your effectiveness as a leader(provide examples to illustrate your point)and  identify other real-world examples that illustrate a leadership style similar to yours.(explain how this...
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Situational leadership style

Describe my personal leadership style and how it relates to my professional practices(K9 sergeant and gang coordinator at maximum security prison) Describe how you believe your leadership style contributes to your effectiveness as a leader(provide examples to illustrate your point)and  identify other real-world examples that illustrate a leadership style similar to yours.(explain how this...
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Research 8

InstructionsCreate a PowerPoint presentation for the Sun Coast Remediation research project to communicate the findings and suggest recommendations. Please use the following format: Slide 1: Include a title slide. Slide 2: Organize the agenda. Slide 3: Introduce the project. Statement of the Problems Research Objectives Slide 4: Describe information gathered from the literature review. Slide 5:...
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