Adolescent psychology assessment 4

For this assessment, create a one-page (front and back) fact sheet targeted at a public audience (parents, community members, clients, constituents, and so forth). This information sheet should concisely describe the issue at hand, what current research indicates about the issue, and what action items are recommended as a result. You should provide citations within the fact sheet, so that every...
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Adolescent psychology assessment 4

For this assessment, create a one-page (front and back) fact sheet targeted at a public audience (parents, community members, clients, constituents, and so forth). This information sheet should concisely describe the issue at hand, what current research indicates about the issue, and what action items are recommended as a result. You should provide citations within the fact sheet, so that every...
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Adolescent psychology assessment 3

Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.A white paper is a professional paper that compiles and summarizes present knowledge about an issue and proposes future action. Compose your white paper building from your initial proposal. Your target audience is your work colleagueseducated laypeople who will understand your...
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Adolescent psychology assessment 3

Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.A white paper is a professional paper that compiles and summarizes present knowledge about an issue and proposes future action. Compose your white paper building from your initial proposal. Your target audience is your work colleagueseducated laypeople who will understand your...
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Find A Potential Client

Find a potential client (friend, family member, current training client, yourself) and initiate an initial assessment.Have the client complete the appropriate questionnaires. Forms can be found in the Initial Assessment and Triage Questionnaire packet included with your course materials.Design and fully describe your nutrition and coaching plan for the client including:1. Your findings from...
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Find A Potential Client

Find a potential client (friend, family member, current training client, yourself) and initiate an initial assessment.Have the client complete the appropriate questionnaires. Forms can be found in the Initial Assessment and Triage Questionnaire packet included with your course materials.Design and fully describe your nutrition and coaching plan for the client including:1. Your findings from...
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Adolescent psychology assessment 2

Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.Identify an issue in adolescent psychology that a work environment in an education, nonprofit, or government organization would address. Examples of appropriate topics include but are not limited to:Media use in adolescents: The impact on social development.Teen pregnancy: The...
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Adolescent psychology assessment 2

Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.Identify an issue in adolescent psychology that a work environment in an education, nonprofit, or government organization would address. Examples of appropriate topics include but are not limited to:Media use in adolescents: The impact on social development.Teen pregnancy: The...
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Research A Health Care Association

Research a health care association you would be interested in joining  Gather details about membership fees and any discounts available with the membership.Identify current association members via social media and reach out to them to find out more about their experiences with and the benefits of having a membership.Write a 700- to 1,050-word proposal to your employer outlining the benefits...
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Research A Health Care Association

Research a health care association you would be interested in joining  Gather details about membership fees and any discounts available with the membership.Identify current association members via social media and reach out to them to find out more about their experiences with and the benefits of having a membership.Write a 700- to 1,050-word proposal to your employer outlining the benefits...
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