Disc 3

Based on our discussion this week, how would you classify the health care organization in which you are employed? If you do not work in health care, respond to this question based on the health care facilities that you use in your community.
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Disc 3

Based on our discussion this week, how would you classify the health care organization in which you are employed? If you do not work in health care, respond to this question based on the health care facilities that you use in your community.
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Distribution Channel

Respond to the following in a minimum of 350 words: Select a product you recently purchased and consider what channels were available for the marketing and purchase of this product. Based on the distribution channel through which you purchased the product, discuss how the value chain was affected by that channel of distribution. What pricing strategy should a company...
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Distribution Channel

Respond to the following in a minimum of 350 words: Select a product you recently purchased and consider what channels were available for the marketing and purchase of this product. Based on the distribution channel through which you purchased the product, discuss how the value chain was affected by that channel of distribution. What pricing strategy should a company...
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develop a 6 part detailed training plan dealing with IT consulting, Buying, selling and fixing cell phones. 6 part detailed training plan maybe 100 days or so spelling out specific duties on what a new employee will be doing and a new manager/ owner will be doing from scheduling and payroll to hiring and firing etc. funds procurement, investments etc. 
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develop a 6 part detailed training plan dealing with IT consulting, Buying, selling and fixing cell phones. 6 part detailed training plan maybe 100 days or so spelling out specific duties on what a new employee will be doing and a new manager/ owner will be doing from scheduling and payroll to hiring and firing etc. funds procurement, investments etc. 
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Social Psychology of Attitudes

Application 1Go to the website and create an account. Select one of the 12 tests on implicit attitudes. You may select any of the topics that interest you.Complete the test and view your results. Write a paper describing your experience, results and the test. Be sure to include information from the Harvard website.Application Assignments Includes an APA formatted title page Includes an APA...
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Social Psychology of Attitudes

Application 1Go to the website and create an account. Select one of the 12 tests on implicit attitudes. You may select any of the topics that interest you.Complete the test and view your results. Write a paper describing your experience, results and the test. Be sure to include information from the Harvard website.Application Assignments Includes an APA formatted title page Includes an APA...
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For this assignment, you will attempt to justify the market value of a publicly-traded organization by investigating the asset value of the company. Use the models above (theoretical market value and the current market value model) to obtain an estimated value of the organizations assets. You have been requested by the public company you choose to prepare a comprehensive report that fairly...
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For this assignment, you will attempt to justify the market value of a publicly-traded organization by investigating the asset value of the company. Use the models above (theoretical market value and the current market value model) to obtain an estimated value of the organizations assets. You have been requested by the public company you choose to prepare a comprehensive report that fairly...
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