RE: Week 4 Discussion

Do you believe the Earth can support a human population of 810 billion sufficiently to provide a decent standard of living to them all. Why or why not?What constitutes a decent standard of living to you?Which two factors do you believe limit our ability to ensure that decent standard of living for everybody?Be sure to support your posting with specifics and examples.
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RE: Week 4 Discussion

Do you believe the Earth can support a human population of 810 billion sufficiently to provide a decent standard of living to them all. Why or why not?What constitutes a decent standard of living to you?Which two factors do you believe limit our ability to ensure that decent standard of living for everybody?Be sure to support your posting with specifics and examples.
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RE: Week 4 Discussion

Do you believe the Earth can support a human population of 810 billion sufficiently to provide a decent standard of living to them all. Why or why not?What constitutes a decent standard of living to you?Which two factors do you believe limit our ability to ensure that decent standard of living for everybody?Be sure to support your posting with specifics and examples.
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RE: Week 4 Discussion

Do you believe the Earth can support a human population of 810 billion sufficiently to provide a decent standard of living to them all. Why or why not?What constitutes a decent standard of living to you?Which two factors do you believe limit our ability to ensure that decent standard of living for everybody?Be sure to support your posting with specifics and examples.
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RE: Week 4 Discussion

Do you believe the Earth can support a human population of 810 billion sufficiently to provide a decent standard of living to them all. Why or why not?What constitutes a decent standard of living to you?Which two factors do you believe limit our ability to ensure that decent standard of living for everybody?Be sure to support your posting with specifics and examples.
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RE: Week 4 Discussion

Do you believe the Earth can support a human population of 810 billion sufficiently to provide a decent standard of living to them all. Why or why not?What constitutes a decent standard of living to you?Which two factors do you believe limit our ability to ensure that decent standard of living for everybody?Be sure to support your posting with specifics and examples.
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RE: Week 8 Discussion

Technicians are often eager to just get started on a project. If you were working on a team, how would you explain the importance of a solid design to one of your companys clients who is in a hurry to just get it done? Secondly, would you like to work on a team with a person who had great customer service skills and mediocre technical skills, or great technical skills with no people skills at...
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RE: Week 8 Discussion

Technicians are often eager to just get started on a project. If you were working on a team, how would you explain the importance of a solid design to one of your companys clients who is in a hurry to just get it done? Secondly, would you like to work on a team with a person who had great customer service skills and mediocre technical skills, or great technical skills with no people skills at...
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RE: Week 8 Discussion

Technicians are often eager to just get started on a project. If you were working on a team, how would you explain the importance of a solid design to one of your companys clients who is in a hurry to just get it done? Secondly, would you like to work on a team with a person who had great customer service skills and mediocre technical skills, or great technical skills with no people skills at...
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RE: Week 8 Discussion

Technicians are often eager to just get started on a project. If you were working on a team, how would you explain the importance of a solid design to one of your companys clients who is in a hurry to just get it done? Secondly, would you like to work on a team with a person who had great customer service skills and mediocre technical skills, or great technical skills with no people skills at...
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