You can select one of 3 choices

This assignment is to help focus on disorders and unique issues we see in adolescents.

Below are three topics for you to choose from. SELECT just ONE.

1. Teenagers and mental health and emotional disorders and treatment

2. Teenagers and drugs/alcohol use and abuse and treatment

3. Juvenile justice and teenagers and the adult criminal just system.

As you research this topic, think about what is considered “typical” behavior vs problem behavior.  Adolescence is a time of pushing boundaries, taking risks, and being moody.  What is “normal” and what is “at-risk” behavior or intolerable by family or community?

Conduct online research to address the following 3 questions below.  Use at least 2 references. One reference must be the DSM 5.  Using the DSM see what kind of diagnoses apply to your selected question.

1. How is the adolescent brain and level of cognitive development related to the topic above you selected?  What specifically is the brain issue related to the problem? Is there a psychological/emotional disorder associated with this topic? Identify one or more diagnoses from the DSM used to describe the issue you selected

2. What resources are available to teens their families in our area ( Bucks County PA 18966)?  Be specific- agencies, programs, clinics.

3. Demonstrate your critical thinking on this topic.  Do you think we as a community is getting it right or wrong? Can you identify how other countries, cultures or communities address the topic?

Make sure one of your online research citations is the DSM 5 ( Diagnostic and Statistical Manual which will help you identify terminology and class-action of the issue and disorder.

Remember to include your links/resources/sources you used.

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